The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Yup his whole campaign is probably going to be Make America Florida. Anything Trump hits him on he can just say, “Did it happen on Florida? No. Not on my watch! I’ll run the country like I run Florida. Everyone loves Florida, in fact, you moved to Florida while I was governor!”

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They will probably keep him out of the debates but it looks like he’s going to try to run. Imagine a stage full of clowns like DeSantis and Kemp doing their best Mike Myers impersonation as Kanye announces his plan to go Defcon 100 on all Jews, while accusing DeSantis of building space lasers at NASA to destroy Trump ballots in Georgia.


Then Trump’s just standing there like:


One of the debates should be War Games style.

In one cage, the Mauling MAGAs. In the other, the Raging RINOs. One member of each side starts off the debate. After five minutes, one cage opens and an extra RINO gets to join the fray so they can team up to expound on the virtues of a balanced budget or something. A few moments later, the other cage opens and one of the MAGAs is let loose. They head to the stage with a trash can, a kendo stick, an upside-down bible and an AR-15.

Eventually, Trump tries to enter for Team MAGA but he slips walking down the ramp and is unable to officially join the debate, so the debate moderator (Special Guest Referee Kane) invalidates the match and awards the nomination to Linda McMahon.


Not just interesting, but entertaining AF. I’m going to love when he accuses them of rigging it.

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Holy shit I had completely forgotten about Kanye’s “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” and Myers’ all-time face

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Trump leads DeSanta by 30 points you say?



He’ll make a lot of noise and then get paid to get with the program with promises of pardons and business deals.

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Trump doesn’t think he needs a pardon and he will be able to grift continuously till he dies by running for president so what businesses deal is he going to go for.


Everyone rooting for Trump to win the primary should probably stop because you all are forgetting the scenario where Trump wins the primary and then wins the presidency. A second Trump term would be world-ending catastrophic, potentially literally.


LOL at a woman or a cripple being seriously involved in the republican primary race.

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So would DeSantis

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It would be a really awful 4-8 years with horrible real world consequences for a lot of people, but, no, I don’t think he would have the potential to end American democracy, such as it is, and I don’t think he starts a hot war with China or Iran.

Insane levels of false equivalency.

Are you guys forgetting how quickly the entire Democratic party and the media magically and instantly conspired to deny Bernie the nomination? That’s going to happen again, except with Trump.

The GOP has way less internal control at this point than the Democrats do.

I’m trying to remember who the last two holdouts were when Trump ran in 2016. Pretty sure Kasich was one of the last ones to drop out. Who was the other one? Cruz? Anyway, I would agree the dynamic is different this time because the non-Trump candidates have a stronger candidate to coalesce around. So they’ll drop out and join team DeSantis rather than dropping out and endorsing Trump like they did in 2016.

I think he’s actually drawing dead this time. In 2016 I said the same thing you’re saying now. I don’t really care if he wins the primary, I’m rooting for him to run and for he and DeSantis to tear each other to shreds. I think we win the general in both possible outcomes there - the one where Trump wins and the one where Trump contests his loss to DeSantis and tells his base to stay home or go write-in Trump.

The GOP tried that in 2016, too, though.

That’s my instinct too. Bernie never had 50 million fanatics, thousands of whom are armed with assault weapons and itching for a shooting war so they can take out some liberals and antifa thugs. Bernie fought the good fight and even lined up behind Biden eventually, but Donnie Dumb Dumb will tell his cult that the RINOs are stealing their beautiful freedom from them and if only some Real Patriots had the guts to murder a few of them then they could truly make American great again.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

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And back then “Trump” was just a vague notion that if you didn’t like smart people telling you facts about reality then you could vote TRUMP to stick it to the eggheads. That’s all evolved into passionate Nazi 2.0 fervent belief that the Jews are trying to replace them and immigrants are overrunning the border.

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