The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“Nim rata? Sounds Indian, doesn’t it?”

Republican primary campaign over.


Speaking of people running, Newsom says he called the white house after the election and pledged his full support to Biden, so he wont run til 28.

Unless Biden dies or decides not to run

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She’s a terrorist, duh. Just look at her!

  • Nikki Haley
  • Asa Hutchison
  • Larry Hogan
  • There’s no chance Ted Cruz stays away
  • DeSantis
  • Trump

lol can we start the debates now?

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Rand Paul for sure.

What do republicans even debate about?

How hot the ovens?


They argue about who Owns The Libs the most. Sometimes one of them will accuse another one of having a shred of decency or humanity, which is vehemently denied.


Over at Chiefsplanet, she is exclusively referred to as “Nimrata.” Absolutely zero chance of winning a primary.

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yeah. i think most of us called this when she first tried to flirt with national politics… her own party will crush her on being named nimrata randhawa before she ever see’s a general.

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A total Scam of a case, as violent crime rages in New York at levels never seen before!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

I must say, I still love how Trump loves to connect largely or completely unrelated things. Like in this case, his non-violent crimes must go unpunished because violent crime “rages in New York at levels never seen before!”

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DeSantis hasn’t even come out to say that the election was stolen. His goal is to get to run as a moderate in the eyes of the swing voter while throwing red meat at the MAGA crowd.

Is he going to just stand on the stage and ignore Trump the entire time as he throws insult after insult? If not, how does he punch back?

The question to me is if Trump loses the Republican primary, would he torpedo the election by running as an independent?

Seems kinda hard to imagine he wouldn’t.

It takes a shitload of legwork just to set up a third party and get your name on the ballot in all 50 states. There’s a reason why retail grifters like Ron Paul gave up on trying to run third party presidential campaigns and instead switched to the business model of hijacking the GOP.

The more interesting question is how things play out if/when Trump refuses to concede defeat in the Republican primary.

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Trump: “The election was stolen. The election in Arizona was stolen. The republican establishment did nothing about it. They helped the democrats steal the election. Ron is as silent as a church mouse about the stolen election. I want to hear Ron say that it was stolen.”

Ron: ??

It’s just going to be some sort of non answer dodge like ‘of course there was serious fraud’ and that ‘I Ron Desanctimonious cracked down on illegal voting in Florida bigly’ and he’s going to hope it’s not the deal breaker for primary voters that he’s not an explicit election denier. And if the establishment and Murdoch media Rs assist him in covering his ass like that, then maybe that’s enough.


It turns into a WWF skit when the Fox News debate hosts start playing the straight guy: “Mr. Trump, you can’t say that. Mr. Trump be reasonable. Mr. Trump the establishment media strongly disagrees with you”. The debate stage is going to be another repeat of Trump versus the field and Ron is going to sound just like everyone else on stage. Not the main character. Trump becomes the center of attention. The heel.

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If Trump is truly dead (I’m not yet convinced he is), then it’s very early for DeSantis to hold his lead. Expect Abbott to enter the race, along with Brian Kemp, Kristi Noem, Glenn Youngkin, Josh Hawley, maybe Ted Cruz, and at least one person (probably two) from the moderate/normal Republican lane: Mitt Romney, Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, Mike DeWine, or maybe even Chris Sununu or Phil Scott.

Then pick one or two crazies from the media/celebrity lane. Your Kanye West’s, your Tucker Carlsons, your Mike Lindell’s, etc.

DeSantis will start off in the center of the stage, with everyone firing at him as the frontrunner. Can he take the heat? Can he fire back effectively and show charisma? Maybe. He’s probably a favorite to do so but not a lock.

The next question is, say it turns into a 4-5 candidate race. Which lane narrows first? The MAGA lane or the establishment lane? Can he consolidate them?

If the race ends up being DeSantis, Abbott, Noem, Establishment Guy, you might see the Establishment Guy pick up a lot of delegates while the MAGA candidates battle over who’s the Trumpiest.

If Trump isn’t dead, then it likely turns into a Trump vs. DeSantis death match, with an establishment guy running (and biting into DeSantis’ consolidation strategy), and a couple of the crazies firing crazy shots at him. Not a lock there, either.


Oh god, please let Kayne run and be at the debates. I’d pay money for that entertainment.


Yeah I’m sad PredictIt went away, I was hoping she might get up to like 7-10% and I could get the free money on the no side.

He doesn’t even have to, he can just go scorched earth on social media and hold a few, “Don’t vote for Ron,” rallies and tell people to write in TRUMP! That would peel a few % off at least.