The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

That was a one time fluke in a different time. Desantis is set up perfectly for the classic primary win. He even has just enough MAGA mixed in.

Should we offer Melkerson a buyout?

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January 6th was all about a highly CORRUPT ELECTION, which is the only thing the Unselects refused to investigate!

( truth (lol) | raw text )


and donā€™t forget terrestrial radioā€“still a thing in many places.

radio hannity
clay travis

etc etc

all get many many millions of listeners a week.

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Iā€™m still amazed Bongino hasnā€™t run for office yet; heā€™s crushing the Facebook/AM radio markets.

There is no way he makes more monry running for office than he does now. Grifting is wayyyyyyy more lucratvie than doing actual politics

Sure but the ego rush and attention of running for president has to be irresistible for people who go into the entertainment business.

( truth (lol) | raw text )

You canā€™t really take much from DeSantisā€™s win this go round, imo. He was running against a truly terrible candidate that no one really likes.


For any event that is every 4 years itā€™s almost impossible to distinguish a fluke from a trend. It seems to me that Republican voters will want Extra Double Supersize Trump, not some reversion back to the Mitt and John McCain types. They want Nazis now, not business people and war heroes.


As someone who spent decades listening to 12+ hours of talk radio a day, I am shocked people still listen to radio.

Also Dana Loesch 8 million listeners :pensive:

Assuming heā€™s still a free man, Trump is an absolute lock to defeat the entire field (including DeSantis in the Republican primary

Trumpā€™s gonna call him Bingo Boy in a debate and that would be the end of it.

My sense is all the facebook addicts are in the tank for DeSantis. He seems to be doing better there than with both the nutjob media and the msm.


Far from freezing out potential competitors, Trumpā€™s announcement was followed by a raft of potential 2024 contenders appearing at the Republican Jewish Coalition conference in Las Vegas over the weekend, where at least one Republican who had previously said she would defer to Trump if he ran ā€” former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley ā€” now said she is considering running in a ā€œserious way.ā€

OH SHIT, the Nikki Haley train has no brakes yā€™all.

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Thereā€™s a strong bias toward people running. These people start off as being generally narcissistic and attention seeking and then to decide if they will run they seek the advice of ā€œconsultantsā€ who stand to collect a boatload of fees if the person runs. Golly gee I wonder if the consultants will have a PowerPoint presentation explaining that the candidate should run?

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Looking at it very strongly!


And they donā€™t even have to use their own money half the time. All sorts of lunatics will freely give money to former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley to run for president in the year 2024.

Donors love Nikki Haley. The grift is plausible.

Who the fuck is giving money to Mike Pompeo?