The Expanse (with spoilers and other sci-fi cameos)

even accounting for magic, contact >>> interstellr > expanse. i’ve only watched expanse seasons 1 and 2. but i imagine it only adds > signs.

Upon reading your statement again I’m guessing not, and for that you should be shamed

Hated them.

Interstellar is the goat and I like contact a lot and a fair amount of that has to do with the beach part lol

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I loved first season of expanse tho, I need to rewatch it and then keep going

Expanse season 5 is def starting out great after a couple seasons of mediocrity, wonder what changed.

Archer once they leave behind the spy agency premise after like 6 seasons is terrible. Watch Frisky Dingo instead.

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Less magic so far. All intrasolar intrigue

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Just finished ep1. This show so good!!! Nothing to add, everything about it is fascinating. From the world building to the story to the characters. And what an innovative setting in which to tell a story of detective noir and political intrigue.

Impressive to see how far Amazon has come with original content. I remember when they started with their Pilot program where audiences voted on which one would be sent to series.

Back then, the best they had to offer was…this.

Who tf is this cheap stand in for Woody Harrelson? I’d rather have literally had a completely silent cardboard cutout than attempt to replace the GOAT.

heh, it’s only detective noir for a few eps, but afterward it’s still very good.

Boooo I was promised the show’s purpose was to expose a conspiracy bigger than anyone imagined. Has Google lied to me yet again?

Just recognized this guy in e2. So it’s the Dharma Initiative behind the whole thing.


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Yes it dips into different narratives which is nice. They all connect somehow.

S1-3 was syfy
S 4-5 AP with 6 being the end.

I guess there are 9 books and the hint is that they may address 7-9 down the road with either a new series or movies. Apparently 7-9 are different enough from 1-6 so they thought 6 was a natural end. At least that’s what I heard on a podcast (BeltaLowda).

Nah, it shifts from detective story to interplanetary political scheming very nicely.

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That second episode omg!!! I guess I will be bingeing this one with a brief break for our watch party of The Midnight Sky in half an hour :popcorn::wine_glass:

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My bf loves The Expanse. I guess I should give it a go.


Did anyone watch falling skies with Noah Wylie? The second season where they re—formed the government in a mall basement was the most interesting—-but the politics done 1000x better on the expanse.

But then they went all magic star child crap. I did make it the end but the last seasons were a slog.

I think The Expanse has some ups and downs plotwise, but the casting/ acting is even more all over the place.
I just love the fake accent stuff, but UN lady has been getting on my nerves from day one. Obviously acting in a foreign language is even harder, but she does portray a non-native speaker, so all that over dramatical shit is unnecessary.
Also who on Mars cast Frankie Adams as as a super Space Marine? She is definitely good-looking, but that character needs to look ripped.

Amos makes up for all of it.

I like Avasarala and her potty mouth. The actress is from Iran and left in her 20s in 1979 and went to England first. I think the Aristocratic air plus the vulgar is quite effective but to each their own.

Strait is the one that gets me. Can he emote?

Whatever. It all pretty much works for me. I’m not much of a critic. I like things or don’t and don’t spend a huge amount of time figuring out why.

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How do you like Chrisjen? I sit up whenever I see Iranian-American actress Shohreh Aghdashloo in a role. That deep voice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Obv no spoilers please if she dies or something after the first four episodes. I will find out soon…

Second only to Amos as fave characters.