The Expanse (with spoilers and other sci-fi cameos)


I can relate to the sentiment, but he seems just so perfectly cast for the average-guy-turned-hero. If you turned up on set without knowing the show, you would probably think he is an extra

I loved The Road. It was a really interesting look at a post apocalyptic time. No matter how bleak the survival instinct kicks in.

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ah man i love the road, i happened to read it right before the movie came out, i liked both a lot. I like Viggo alot though


Viggo had an elite movie making stretch 10-15 years ago. The Road, Eastern Promises, History of Violence

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I will forever feel sad that his starring turn as John Dunbar/Dances with Wolves in the long-planned adaptation of the sequel The Holy Road never came to fruition.

The book is intensely boring, but it contains one hell of a premise. White settlers have taken over the American frontier. First Nation people are struggling merely to survive. Dances with Wolves and Stands with a Fist see how little time any of them has left. But they continue as best they can as man and wife, husband and father, and members of the tribe that brought their lives fulfillment and meaning.

Until white men kidnap Stands with a Fist, and the only way Dances with Wolves can rescue her is to once again resume his old identity as John Dunbar, a white man from the military.

This is a SHOCKINGLY small part of the book. I kept my fingers crossed it would nevertheless form the basis for the movie–imagine the trailer!!!—but it’s been twenty years and Viggo is way too old now to continue the part that Kevin Costner made famous. The latest word is that maybe one day someone will adapt it into a limited series for HBO or something.

The book rejoins the Comanche and Kiowa tribes under the leadership of the real-life Ten Bears. By now, the great chief is a wizened old man and the backs of his people – including the former Lt. Dunbar – are against a wall.

The buffalo have been nearly exterminated by poachers. The Oklahoma preserve assured to the confederated Plains Tribes by treaty in 1867 is being encroached upon from all sides. And the statesman-warrior Kicking Bird has decided to launch an offensive to cast out the white interlopers.

It is this bitter campaign, better known as the Red River Uprising, that gives The Holy Road its narrative thrust. It would be the last gasp of what was arguably the most ferociously successful warrior society on the continent.

Ah man yea I love all those movies. Me and a friend of mine saw eastern promises in theater, I still remember the fight scene in the bathroom lol

I enjoy the weekly release like Mandalorian and the Expanse. I like the belta lowda podcast and the time to digest what happened.

Also I’m old. I was raised on weekly Tv.

Ive certainly binged. I did GoT 1-7 in about a month to be able to get current with the final season. There was a disc set deal at Best Buy and was nice to watch on my work trips.

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Game of Thrones vs The Expanse: the Art of Adapting Unfinished Books

Writers Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (who wrote the source material as novels under the pen name James S.A. Corey ), as well as showrunner Naren Shankar , have weathered the show’s dramatic history for years now — from being canceled by Syfy after Season 3, to being revived by Amazon for Season 4, to now working up to the planned conclusion in Season 6.

COLLIDER: "But I mean, I guess the big question is, how closely will the events of the final book parallel the events in the finals episodes?

FRANCK: Not at all, because we’re ending the show in Season 6, which is book six, and the final book is book nine. So there will be…

SHANKAR: Season 6 would have to be about 45 episodes long… Because you also have the books going on and the books aren’t complete yet, it’s a slight Game of Thrones situation — except that Daniel and Ty, you’re in the writer’s room a lot. How has being on the show affected your relationship with the books?

FRANCK: The main thing it has done, is make us really late on the books.

ABRAHAM: That’s a load balancing we haven’t quite managed yet.

FRANCK: Yeah, we were really consistent on our delivery dates right before we started working on the show, and then we have gotten increasingly inconsistent on our delivery dates.

ABRAHAM: One more, we’ve just got to land one last one, we’re going to be all right. We’re good.

SHANKAR: As Ty and Daniel have said many times, they look upon the show as a very, very expensive commercial for the books.

ABRAHAM: Yeah — you spend a few million dollars on an advertisement, you can sell literally thousands of books."

"ABRAHAM: And there’s something to be said, also, for doing this part of the story well, and then… The IP is not dead, it’s not gone away. If there are other options later, then there other options later.

Could the final episode end with a card saying, like, “to find out what happens next go to the books?”

ABRAHAM: I think that would be great because it would get me more money.

FRANCK: Yeah. I think when people watch the last episode of Season 6, they will feel like a satisfying story has been told."

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"Collider: To start off there, talk about the decision making that went into not launching the whole season at once this year?

NAREN SHANKAR: It was actually something we talked about in Season 4, because one of the things that was really always important to us was connecting with the fans, with the Twitter watch parties that we would do, and that was always a fun thing for us…

Now they’ve done it with The Boys, they’ve done it with us. I think they’re doing it with some of their other shows, I’m not 100 percent sure about that. But I think it’s a great way to stimulate conversation because people get to watch it, they get to talk about it, they get to get other people up to speed."

I’m not sure why I merged these posts on The Road into The Expanse, but I think they sort of fit here unless you object :eyes:



I’m so far behind on The Expanse, I really need to step up my tv watching.

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Woweeee didn’t even know Season 5 had started until I saw this thread. The 5th/6th books were awesome.

I’ve been able to access the new episodes around 8pm on Tuesday nights.

I expect we are starting down the path of getting the Roci flying and getting the crew back together in hopefully a couple of episodes.

Have not read the books. Enjoy that I have no clue as to what’s coming other than my own guesses.

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I’ve read all the books, they are a bit formulaic, but so is the show. Love the show. Love the books, would recommend both.

On what day do the new episodes release?

I think officially they drop on Wednesdays, but depending on your time zone, that might actually be Tuesday evening for you as Danspartan has pointed out.

Like I said previously the politics seem so relatable. The less magic (ring gates and proto-molecule) the better. That they are mostly just threats/opportunities for power and economics is preferred.


It was available a little after 7 eastern. Must be midnight GMT?