The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Yuv, a significant portion of the world hates Jews, and it’s foolish to think this forum somehow is immune to it.

There is no such effort in Gaza. I mean of course Ben Gvir and such would love that, but for now it hasnt happened and its not even remotely feasible.

The only ethnic cleansing that happened in Gaza was in 2005 withdrawl and the cleansed ethnic group was Jews.

It should be possible to be extremely against israel’s action in Gaza without revisionist history

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I doubt anyone in this forum hates Jews.


I’m going off articles like this, which imply that Rafah will continue regardless.

As you say, this article makes it clear that he’s being pressured by the extremists in his government to make statements like this, but they also seem to be pretty definitive statements that will be difficult to walk back, so how can Hamas trust that they’re just political?

I wish I had your youthful optimism.

A deal requires him to not invade Rafah. Obvioudly i dont expect Hamas to release anyone without such promise and neither does the US government

I don’t know? One state solution seems better than apartheid. Maybe there are other solutions that are also better, or maybe the history of the region is such that no solution is possible, I don’t know. But I do know that continuing to support the murder and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people is horrendous and should be protested.

Who was displaced? You keep saying that.
If you are talking about the West Bank, which is somewhat odd as were in a Gazan mess, settlers (some of which are scum of the earth) might take over land in different ways, but Palestinians arent “cleansed” from WB either.

They are under an occupation that must end.

If you think releasing the hostages would significantly move the needle of Israeli public opinion I’ll happily bow to your greater knowledge. Still I feel like basing your policies on the expectation of rational actions from crazed terrorists doesn’t seem like a great plan to me personally. The juxtaposition of “these rabid animals need to be put down even at the cost of 30,000+ innocent lives” with “why won’t they rationally negotiate?” feels a bit weird.

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Are they not being displaced right now by the bombing of their homes? I thought the population of Rafah had tripled or something as more people are forced to leave their homes, + settlers literally displacing them in past years as you mention. That’s what I’m referring to.

Theres not a single Jewish person living in Gaza.

Bombing creates homeless people (and dead people). They are not being replaced.

It seems clear that the plan is to displace them to some extent. At a minimum, every plan I’ve seen for post-war Gaza includes a buffer near the Israeli border Palestinians will no longer be able to use. The more extreme discussions include much larger areas that will be either barren/IDF outposts or even potentially open to settlers (or somehow forcing Egypt to take them all).

So you’re finally admitting that you really don’t know what you’re talking about, which makes your lazy insults earlier completely understandable.

Try to be better.

Taking over land in Gaza might happen near the border. Ethnic cleansing refers, as far as i understand the concept, as removing Gazans from Gaza and replacing them with Jews. This really isnt more than a pipe dream and have yet to actually happen.

Whether you call the operation in Gaza war or genocide, it is actually happening.

I rather speak on whats actually real

Im not sure who the crazed terrorists are here, but Hamas controls Gaza and Netanyahu controls Israel and we have no choice but to do the best we can with these people.

Personally i think all policy makers in the region are sane and rational. Evil and/or wrong surely. Some of their followers arent as rational sure. But they definitely are

Well I think we have our answer :slight_smile:

Might be my bad here. I apologize

I think it was/is probably inevitable.

Nah going back I think it was my post that first deviated from talking about protests, which then spawned the recent conversation. It’s tough to segregate the two conversations when they naturally flow into each other.

Leave the kids alone applies to both.