The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

You came into this discussion swinging, full of fury and insults.

Don’t you feel even a little bit foolish now to have your hatred and ignorance splayed open for everyone to see?

Try to be better.

A one state solution with Arabs in charge ends in a second Holocaust, so that’s a pretty fucked up position tbh.

OK boomer

Gee, if only I had qualified that by stating my uncertainty and admitting I didn’t know the perfect solution

Im pretty sure they can tell you that non-hamas supporting Palestinians are being massacred.

There is no perfect solution. The fact that you think it is a feasible one is kinda ridiculous tbh.

Great job, you got me there and you win an internet point. Do you also think all the protestors are anti-Semitic?

It does suck for them, and I’m not being sarcastic. I do feel bad that the Palestinians who aren’t Jew-haters are being dragged down with the ship.

A lot of them.

You think a lot of the people protesting are protesting because they hate jews? Cool. What’s “a lot” for you, 5%? 50%? 95%?

There are ways to stop that. Israel could stop putting holes into the ship

Of course not, but I think you get a lot of information on this topic who are anti-Semitic, and that should concern you.

It’s not exactly hard to find protestors saying anti-Semitic shit. Hard to quantify how many of them are, but they definitely tolerate anti-Semites in their activities.

It’s OK to go with just being ignorant.

But now you’re asking bad faith questions…

I don’t think that’s a problem at all for him.

But the cannons on the ship are still operational.

Haven’t even started and we’ve gone from “are anti-semitic” to “are protesting because they hate Jews”.

Itd be more apt to call them muskets, but sure. So the question is, how many people waving white flags are you willing to drag down to the bottom to stop the muskets, when the boat is surrounded by a fucking fleet?

Are we seriously going to semantics this shit?

Semantics argument is semantics. News at 11.

One can be anti-Semitic and also be against Israel. They frequently (obv nowhere near always) go hand in hand.

Like this is an actual post made by chesspain. He believes that protestors don’t actually care about Palestinians and are just using these protests as an opportunity to flex their anti-Semitic (or anti-Israel) beliefs. It’s completely wrong, and even if there are some actual anti-Semites in the group (still waiting on that percentage, @Mendoza) it doesn’t justify the police response.