The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Yes, and people can be anti-Semitic while being pro-Israel (the “hey Jews, fuck off and go over there” approach) but it’s clear that chesspain thinks this is all about hating Jewish people so here we are

Why did you feel a need to summarize something that was extremely obvious? Even the foreigners who post here have a working knowledge of English.

Maybe it’s because you’re sinking into a public cesspool and you don’t know how to make it stop.

The fuck are you talking about? Mendoza accused me of shifting goalposts, so I quoted your post in case he hadn’t seen it. The only person here with reading comprehension issues appears to be you.

I’d wager that the most shared trait is a desire to LARP as a revolutionary and the Palestinian plight, which is clearly deserving of support, has enough activists and others genuinely devoted to it that it’s an opportunity.

For them success is having the biggest, smelliest encampment with the most pathetic police response.

The most milquetoast Brunch For mutual Understanding and Friendship would be more effective in terms of likelihood and magnitude of impact on Palestine.

Ethnic cleansing can include coerced migration. There is some belief that Israel is trying to make conditions in Gaza so bad that Palestinians will flee, with the intention of not allowing them to return. I’m uncertain whether this is actually the case, but it seems within the range of possibilities.

Of course there are some beliefs, they are just not happening. Israel would love all Palestinians to disappear. It aint happening and specifically in Gaza they literally cant leave so its uncleansable

People have been known to try things that have no chance of succeeding.

Maybe but ethnic cleansing only becomes ethnic cleansing when its successful

Attempted ethnic cleansing that ultimately fails should still be considered a crime against humanity.



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Just another anti-semite who knows nothing about Palestine getting what they deserve thanks to our hero cops

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And he was on the verge of accomplishing something huge!

Obviously staged but still funny

If I wanted to make moderates uncomfortable, I would have organized an effort to buy tickets to the Knicks-Sixers game and tried to take over the game with pro-Palestinian chants. Their jimmies really get rustled when you take away sports as a politics-free safe space.

not every country, obv, but in the spirit of a nation of immigrants we are generally accepting of people fleeing war and oppression. as an immigrant myself with no plans or claims to ancestral lands, i think it would be a good thing if relocation was a free choice offered to palestinians. but of course, people in gaza don’t have that choice through the fault of hamas, egypt, israel, and any number of countries that you can list.

“Trying to protect her students from riot police”


ETA: the video sure makes it look like she was asking to get arrested and subsequently was. Not sure where the “protecting” is happening.

I would clear out settlers in the West Bank and offer to relocate Gazans to those homes.