2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Yeah and the odds of being murdered for being Jewish are probably highest in those areas.

lol @ the pic Google associates with Herlong



Did he just out himself? Hes 37 with 0 children.

Dude better get crackin or the gay is coming for him quickly

He claims to have at least ten children.


Maybe you should only be allowed to eat unfertilized eggs.

Is it possible to have a student protests thread without it becoming another Gaza thread? I guess to ask the question is to answer it, but I feel like Kent State II is just around the bend.

Eggs being unfertilized is what makes the joke fail. It was a good effort, though.

Afaict, the level of tension around the time of Kent State was about 100x greater. People thought they were protesting for their lives against a war prosecuted by their own government. There were deaths during protests at a number of universities and walkouts at about 1000 high schools and 300 universities.

In this case, the administration is generally supportive of the protestors’ broader aim of a cease fire (if that’s how the aim of the protests is understood), but has limited leverage and is not willing to end its relationship with Israel and its own voting base to support a group that still maintains a number of US and Israeli hostages. While there is sympathy for the Palistinians, the sympathy does not override support for Israel, https://wapo.st/44fmhj6. Also, see vote on the recent aid package, 79-18 (with 15 conservative republicans voting against vs 3 dems).

If you ain’t found Jesus stay off the roads April 23rd




Imagine having this trend and thinking immigration is a bad thing. The right is so stupid.

Imagime having this trend and thinking the reason is abortion.

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Ah yes, we must protect the right to contract! It’s right there in the plain text of the Constitution if you squint.

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Good ole Lochner era.

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NEW YORK (AP) — New York’s highest court on Thursday overturned Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction, finding the judge at the landmark #MeToo trial prejudiced the ex-movie mogul with “egregious” improper rulings, including a decision to let women testify about allegations that weren’t part of the case.

“We conclude that the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts against persons other than the complainants of the underlying crimes,” the court’s 4-3 decision said. “The remedy for these egregious errors is a new trial.”

No limits to how far the US legal system will go to give the benefit of the doubt to rich white dudes.

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A huge contingency of Canadians are ready to ban immigrants because of high housing prices. These are the exact same people that oppose the construction of any more housing near their house.

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Freakonomics interviewed Trudeau this week. Pretty interesting. Stark how progressive he sounds compared to similar interviews with US politicians.