The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

I think students should obviously have the right to peacefully assemble and protest, daily if they wish, but I don’t think “assembly” means that protesters get to set up living quarters with tents and other crap.

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worst person dot jpg

vance is sort of right, university endowments absolutely are out of control and should be taxed, not sure what that has to do with whether or not they’re “day care centers” or why anyone who isn’t paying tuition or donating should even give a shit, though

do churches next vance


What a lazy response, which doesn’t even address anything Simplicities said. However, SPE would eat this shit up.

The children of gaza didn’t punch anyone. If you’re trying to claim this mass murder is anything to do with hostages at this point you’re utterly delusional.


I know this will be an unpopular opinion here, but with Hamas currently deciding whether to agree to the ceasefire offer and release hostages I’m disappointed at not seeing any protest urging them to agree.

I have no idea who the dominant groups organizing the protests, but releasing the hostages should be something that anyone who truly gives a fuck about the sitatuion aspire to.


You see, that’s the response you should’ve started with. I know it took a little more work.

Operation in Rafah for example requires calling up tons of reserve soldiers. Since Israelis are conscripted, reserve soldiers are literally just people born who havent died yet.

An operation of that size requires support from the people. This support is far easier to achieve as long as 133 hostages, including young girls going through things i cant imagine, are held in tunnels and dungeons.

So yeah, releasing hostages would certainly help ease the suffering of Gazan kids. Especially when its currently an actual offer put forward by Egypt to Hamas

Yuv, the MSM refers to the protests as “Pro-Palestine” because they’re too gutless to accurately call them “Anti-Israel.” Most of these college kids couldn’t tell you the first thing about Palestinians.

You’re delusional if you think most people would have a problem with Israel if they weren’t ethnically cleansing an entire region. Get your head out of your ass, you’re embarrassing yourself here


I just don’t see what incentive Hamas has to release them (other than not being cruel for cruelty’s sake, which we’re pretty far past at this point) if Israel is going to continue the fighting until they destroy Hamas regardless of hostage release. And why would they be accepting a deal to return to the status quo of slow cleansing vs the current situation?

Decline deal, Israel continues fighting and cleansing

Accept deal, Israel continues fighting and cleansing, but slower

Because the deal is to release them in return for a prolonged ceasefire.

Israel hasnt “cleansed” anything in Gaza for over a decade. You cant call this a genocide and then not be in favor of an opportunity to stop it.

Claiming that the “world” was fine with Israel’s existence suggests you’re either really ignorant or just an antisemite.

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I interpret Bibi’s recent comments as implying they’ll continue fighting, ceasefire be damned. Tbc I’m referring to Rafah specifically, which you mentioned above

I understand you extremely well.


What does ethnically cleansing means here? I can understand calling it a genocide. But there are nearly 3 million people in Gaza. 30-40k were killed since Oct 7th. Egypt has taken no one. So where is the cleansing?

As long as there’s no deal, Bibi has no choice politicaly but to keep the offense. Obviously we cant say for sure, but the reports on the deal put forward technically by egypt but realistically by Blinken and Israel is something like “hostages or Rafah”.

I mean the broad effort to displace Palestinians from their homes and potentially the entire region. If that’s not ethnic cleansing, fine, we can use another word

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The issue here is that your language is easily interpreted as the problem is israel’s existance. Do you not mean that? Are you in favor of a one state solution that is run by Arabs with full rights of return?