The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

You are either not getting it or intentionally ignoring it, so I’ll spell it out to the best of my abilities.

When people use “White” vs “Brown” they refer to Europeans coloniizing parts of the world.
This is why you hear and read comments like “Go back to Europe”, referencing Israeli Jews.
The majority of Israeli Jews did not come from Europe.
Those who did fled it to what they regard as their ancestral land. One that they prayed to be back at the end of the most important prayers.

I pointed out in a jokingly matter that Americans think Israelis look a certain way. You took it to only mean literally skin color. No, that video doesn’t only show a bunch of people with darker skin color. It shows their culture, their origin, their music, their food. There are no bagles and lux and Israel. People don’t eat Gefilte. They don’t speak Yiddish. The European Jewish culture that exist to an extent in the US does not exist in Israel.

Those who use white and brown when portraying this conflict aren’t talking about right wing settlers. I gave you that example as to how you can still discuss elements of the conflicts if you wanted in actual relevant terms. The racial component there just shows the Messianic nature of some Settlers and goes way deeper than a college student protest. And that movement only started in 1977. That group was as marginilized as Palestinians before that

Words have meanings. White and Brown when refering to the Israeli-Palestine conflict refers to people wanting Jews to go “back to Europe”. A place a majority of them never came from. Others who use it for vague and wrong reasons like those you pointed out are just helping the first group spread their views.



Joe, bringing people together


He is firing on all cylinders, other than doing nothing to stop a genocide.

At least non competes are no longer a thing and airline tickets get refunded quicker! That will help the slaughtered and poor!

Ending unpaid overtime for salaried workers is going to help a lot of people.


It’s much easier for you to dehumanize the Palestinians when you aren’t forced to draw parallels with other marginalized groups.

Arrest lists are out, the correct answer is 100%. lol David Axelrod.


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eric adams eating shit is great, but axe eating shit is (chefs kiss)

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Youre taking the fact that I disagree with you to mean I don’t understand you.

I think you’ve laid out your argument the best you can, and I have done the same. I don’t think there’s much value in going back and forth any more.

With that said, thank you, I have learned something from this discussion.


I can’t say I have zero sympathy for the protests because netanyahu is terrible, the Israeli right is terrible, and the response to Oct 7 has been excessive in many respects.

But, if the people in charge of your society think it’s a good idea to punch the local UFC fighting champ in the balls and take hostages, that gonna be a bad time. “Remember Munich!” isn’t a good PR or practical strategy. Maybe Gaza wasn’t exposed to the cinematic masterpiece “Pearl Harbor” with its deep lessons about conflicts against powerful adversaries.

So, until I start hearing about peace proposals that generally permit the existence of Israel I’m not gonna to be overly concerned about the protesters.

I am confident they are hurting Biden some, and that Biden is working for peaceful resolution. If Trump were in charge US troops would probably be assisting on the ground, so be careful what you wish for.


When your memory begins 6 months ago. Hey guys I’ve been in a coma for 50 years, I woke up October the 6th at midnight. Just gonna provide some inciteful analysis of modern geopolitics if that’s ok.


I don’t see any argument here for not just letting protestors do their thing for a while and carrying on like every other protest? This doesn’t trouble you at all to see dozens of NYPD cops burning through overtime to rough up dumb teens?

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As long as there are no casaulties or seriously harmed protestors, I think the overreaction by universities and the police is only good for spreading the protests messages.

Of course there’s always no casaulties until there are so we can only hope it stays that way


IMO the “where does your memory start” game is pretty central to the dynamic that leaves the entire situation unsolvable. Not that I have an answer, but imo the only even remotely possible way out is to start in the present and work one step at a time.


This guy’s entire shtick was “Poor boy works super hard and gets into Harvard!” Incredible example of shutting the door behind you.

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Please enlighten us as to the righteousness of the Palestinian cause from the crusades onward. That really had it going for a while there under the Ottoman Empire.

It’s time to tax university endowments aggressively
