The C-Word

Then maybe delineate precisely how it’s like justifying the use of a racial slur.

You keep addressing the part about a group that did not include the slurred race when my problem is with the racial slur part.

The problem I have with it is that it describes ’ ■■■■ ’ as used by non-Americans as the equivalent of or comparable to a racial slur. It may be so in its American usage, but it’s not in other contexts.

It may seem like nittery, but if I don’t object I am basically accepting that I and numerous other posters on this site frequently use a term comparable to a racial slur. We don’t. We use a term that’s perfectly acceptable in our specific argot and which remains so despite the American sense of the term.


I think a lot of us understand this, but still wish it wasn’t used on this site where there are a large number of users who will be offended by it because, for the most part, any use of it is not acceptable where we come from. And we won’t use words like s*** for the same reason, even though it barely registers as inappropriate where we come from. (Although it’s more commonly frowned upon in recent years.)

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This word is bleeped all over the internet along with slurs and all sorts of other words. Do you also find this troubling? I do not understand this argument at all, because this is a really, really, really, really standard word that gets censored throughout the internet and the entire world.

please do not read this in a combative tone, I genuinely do not understand where you are coming from.

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@Jalfrezi holy shit I just got your sc unthorpe joke, that is absolutely brilliant.

I don’t find it troubling that other places bleep it along with other profanities. I find the specific justification for bleeping it troubling and derogatory. tl;dr I’m fine with curbing my usage of it because it annoys people, I’m even fine with bleeping it because people aren’t agreeing to do that, I’m not in the least fine with bleeping it because ‘people who say that are sexist’.

We probably should. I don’t know what to do with “I say it is X but I disagree that I am saying it is X”, which is what you’re giving me here.

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I’m not in the least fine with bleeping it because ‘people who say that are sexist’.

But like, hardly anyone is making that a justification for bleeping it. The main arguments people have been voicing in favor of bleeping it are about image, about respecting other’s feelings, about respecting how words can have different meanings in different contexts.

The bleep gives you all of that - because the site still allows you to use it in whatever way you please as long as it’s not sexist. Everyone will know what you mean, they won’t have to guess. So I don’t see how bleeping it is really an endorsement of “everyone who uses it is sexist” because if anything the bleeping will make people use the word even more freely than they were before.

Like that’s the whole point. It’s allowing people to use the word in non-sexist ways while simultaneously allowing those who don’t want to see it, not to see it.


I’m only arguing with those people.

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How? Not ‘How?’ as in I dispute that they are potentially causing harm, but ‘How?’ as in what is the action they are taking that is potentially causing harm.

If this site hypothetically had a group of Hindus posting would it be okay for them to keep posting swastikas because that symbol means something different in their culture?

Would they have been posting it because they’re white supremacists?

Not at all. They post it as a symbol of good luck. Nevertheless other posters don‘t want to see it on this site. Should they keep posting it?

“I say X but I am not saying X”

Should people objecting to it call them white supremacists?

“I accept that your usage of the term does not perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, but we must ban your use of the term due to it perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes.”

No. Should they keep posting it?

Probably OK to post it in threads they can be confident it’s understood most posters will be Hindu. Outside of that, no. Not sure we disagree.

It. Does. Not. Matter.

Just because you are not hurt by the use of the term doesn’t mean that zero people here are hurt by it. If even ONE person here is hurt by it, then it shouldn’t be used. It doesn’t matter why they are hurt by it. Maybe they don’t like words that start with a hard C sound. Maybe their abusive partner called them that name repeatedly and it triggers trauma. It doesn’t matter if you think the reason they are hurt by it is ridiculous.

It’s not about you.


None of this contradicts what I’m saying.

Compare your FYP to the post that prompted it. Do you think there’s no difference?