About Moderation (old original thread)

I believe one of my responses was that if people were offended by Aidsing we should stop using it, and i had no problem doing so. But again, every time i’ve thrown that out, the group has found a new word to harp on. It’s a false equivalency.

The fact that you immediately equated a woman having a problem with a post to a child throwing a tantrum makes the opposite point you think it does about sexism.


Sexism and misogyny can often be unintentional. That doesn’t make it any less so.

Have you read any of the posts over the past couple of days that we’re discussing?

it shows one result per thread for reasons i do not understand.

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The same mod then banned somebody for pointing it out for “bad faith” posting. And then posted this a couple of days later:

Hopefully it’s not sexist to question if that post is in good faith.

We reading the same threads, bro? I didn’t admit to shit, in fact, I offered to self-restrict twice and it was ignored by the moderators both times - once by you, once by wookie

I knew it was done because of me because the moderators said they were putting the thread in “d2 mode”. I mean, I know I’m not the brightest spark plug under the hood, but even I can catch that one.

jmakin the poster is definitely for bleeping or banning any kind of stupid word the community wants banned. If a word is used around here that you genuinely think is a problem, go ahead and make a poll and a topic for it. The admin will gladly even make it a banner for you if you think it’s that big of a deal.

These kinds of meta discussions about words and censorship are dumb and unnecessary, imo. I’m not trying to attack anyone when I say this, I just think this is a really simple and solved issue that doesn’t require thousands of posts to figure out.

Let’s bleep other stupid words, just vote on it. We do things by community vote. So just do it, and make your case in good faith.

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Ok, so let’s say I somehow divined it was done because of me, and the mods gave me no clue. Does that make my offer invalid?

Seriously, you did this in the c-word thread the other day, after I was banned. You said that you can re-enable the thread because the person who was responsible for it wasn’t coming back till morning. Did you actually see the posts where I offered for the mods to lift the restriction under penalty of a 3 day ban if I violate?

I like skydiver but this post sums up just about everything that is wrong with the way discourse is being handled today.

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Offended on behalf of others.

Put me in cuffs for racism, Wookie, or whatever transgression you imagine I committed with that post.

If someone is offended by a term you should never express it towards them. This is a given. It doesn’t matter the reason. You can pick between not using the term when speaking to them or not speak to them at all. Any other approach is assholeness.

But if you want to tone the language all together from a discourse of a group including areas you are not an active participator, you need a much better reasoning than ‘a single person is offended’.


I have done this to only one poster on this forum, and he deserves it.

I don’t want to give the wrong impression that I was offended by it. I’ve used it myself. And perhaps this is a good time to reflect on that and try to remove it from my vocabulary like other words I’ve tried to stop using.

But when Sky takes the stance that words shouldn’t be used if they might offend even one person, but bans Fidget for bad faith for pointing out her use of AIDSing, it gives the impression that she is making an argument of convenience. And I still don’t understand how some of the mods are so sure that it doesn’t offend anyone here. Again, it seems quite obvious why it might.

And actually Jal made a pretty good case for it in that thread.


Can we all agree that “AIDS” is an expression we should probably phase out?


Yes, we can.

I can agree. And I promise promise promise I’m not being an ass when I ask this, but should we get rid of cancer too? As in, “he’s a fucking cancer.”

Neither phrase bothers me in the least but I can understand why people would take offense at either and have no intention of using either going forward.

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