About Moderation (old original thread)

Would it be better and more transparent to hide posts rather than delete them?


Disagreeing with a woman is not necessarily mansplaining, and it didn’t seem to at all be the case in that exchange. (I don’t believe that was deleted.)

Sorry, but that is ridiculous.


You shouldn’t be because your modsplaining is bullshit.


I guess we need a new poll on if it’s against the rules to disagree with a woman.


How hard would it be to move such posts to a French BBV thread for receipts which will be cleared out on a regular basis?

If the goal is some form of community moderation, the community needs to have access to information about behavior.

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Seriously insta ban jman if he replies to jal. Instaban jal if he replies to jman.


Jal “had me on ignore” for 6 months and in that time directed more comments my way then any other poster. Pass.

I missed this. Somebody was banned for this just the other day! (Yes, and one of the posters that some of the mods are biased against.) It was another log on this bonfire.

Jal will be posting in here within seconds of returning from his current temp ban. The over/under on number of posts itt tomorrow is 250.


I’m fine with that if mods want to put in the extra work.

Yes, it was Fidget. His post was followed by “Fidget is temp banned for bad faith posting” by Sky. And when several people (not me) said that they were actually offended by “AIDsing”, they were all dismissed as concern trolls. (Maybe not in those exact words.)

I guess some moderators here have a super power and can tell when women are offended, (even when the women who have spoken up have said they’re not offended), and when other posters are not offended (even though they say they are). Shockingly, these soul reads align with words they themselves are and are not offended by.


Does anyone actually say aidsing? I feel like in my travels here I haven’t run across it. I’m almost certain if anyone were to use that expression outside the pedanticness (pedancy? pedantichood?) of this thread they’d be 100% trolling.

I’ve never heard anyone say AIDSing or any variant other than 22 or here.

No, the mod didn’t tell me you told me. And you didn’t tell me that those were the words expressed to you by Sky before I made my response. I read your post as it being your read on it, and likely would have chosen different words to respond had I known otherwise. (I still would have disagreed that Fidget intended it in that way, and I would have disagreed with any moderating resulting from it.)

Sky can clearly feel that way even if it wasn’t intended that way by Fidget. Both those things can be true.

Were the posts Marksman etc banned for deleted? There’s no point in the log if the posts in questions aren’t linked.

I believe one of my responses was that if people were offended by Aidsing we should stop using it, and i had no problem doing so. But again, every time i’ve thrown that out, the group has found a new word to harp on. It’s a false equivalency.

The fact that you immediately equated a woman having a problem with a post to a child throwing a tantrum makes the opposite point you think it does about sexism.


Sexism and misogyny can often be unintentional. That doesn’t make it any less so.

Have you read any of the posts over the past couple of days that we’re discussing?

it shows one result per thread for reasons i do not understand.

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