The C-Word

I’m not insisting on ‘the rightness of using it here’, I’ve said, accurately, that I curb my use of the term and always have done, precisely on the grounds that it’s liable to cause offence and I have no particular interest in doing that. I object to this imperious insistence that I not only do that, but also agree that the American sense of the word is the only real one. I’m happy not to talk about bumming a f-g in contexts where it’s apt to cause offence. I’m never, ever going to accept that it’s homophobic in contexts where all concerned know I mean borrowing a cigarette, because it isn’t. Deal with it.

And lol “strictly for the sake of argument” will you GTFO. Am I lying about my native language or am I merely mistaken?


In my moderator experience elsewhere, people were full of BDE because they literally competed against each other for money. This meant that often there were some small snazzles amongst the higher profile guests who we wanted to post, that mostly went away on their own because they had better things to do.

However, often the regulars had beefs with each other and some posters were habitual edgelords/shitposters towards anyone who didn’t agree with them. Those people were going to take their arguments outside of whatever thread were going to do so until they were explained their choices. They also would skirt exactly around the rules in a way that baited otherwise good posters into retaliating in a way that put them slightly over the line. Often the edgelord had to be banned. Some came back from their bans and behaved. Some did not and were permaed. Sometimes they would even create a smurf and have to behave to avoid ban of the new account.

My point is that trying to quarantining bad posters who do not want to follow the rules into one thread where they are allowed to not follow the rules isn’t going to solve anything. You’re just putting off the moderation problem for another day hoping things get better, when really the offender is as likely to learn from the ban as anything. Also you get to enjoy some peace and quiet while they visit timeoutland.

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Maybe. I was thinking about it when I first saw his post. I decided not to. Then I went into the other c-word thread and found cw is still around (around enough that he’s likely seeing all of this) and that pushed me over to a tempban. It certainly wasn’t gleeful. I hope he’s not upset about it at all.

@RegretS for mod

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No u


How is somebody that visits the forum as infrequently as Mike supposed to know that cuse is back on a gimmick account?


If you’re insisting that it’s like justifying the use of a racial slur then you are insisting exactly that it’s sexist.

You think he should assume it’s ok to abuse cuse? I don’t think it’s clear that people were free to abuse him even if they didn’t know about the account he’s posting under now.

Why wouldn’t he assume that? Everybody else got to abuse cuse with no repercussions!

But ok, then why did you bother making the distinction about the gimmick account? It seemed to play a prominent factor in your decision, the way you wrote it.



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I didn’t intentionally leave any abuse (by non-mods :) ) unmoderated during the emergency modding session. I think all those “everybody else got to abuse cuse” happened when I was a lazy mod.

A decisive factor is prominent I guess, always, but that doesn’t mean it has a large coefficient in the factor weighing polynomial.

That wasn’t actually an intentional shot at your modding in particular. But I’m glad you took it that way because it makes the joke a little better.

Took me a while to get that. I didn’t take your earlier mod-shot as being against me. I thought it was a shot at Wookie and Sky.

I certainly hope so. Like I said it was a close call during heightened modding (which he probably didn’t even know about!).

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And I was replying to a specific post that Wookie had made alluding to notional women who are simply dying to join the forum but can’t because of how sexist Brits/Irish/Aussies are. There’s no context that makes like justifying the use of a racial slur mean anything other than like justifying the use of a racial slur.

I’m right now in the middle of a discussion where Wookie is proudly touting his refusal to accept that non-American usages are legitimate (or at least, insisting that he knows our language better than we do) so I’m really just not hearing any “Nobody’s saying that” stuff. They absolutely are.

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If you are going to ban someone because they have a gimmick account and saw an attack on their other account that has been perma it should be public.

And why is someone who is perma allowed to have a gimmick?


Holy moly it is public. Go read the other thread. CW has previously outed his own gimmick. This isn’t some state secret.

Hence why I said if it hasn’t been made public already. I’ll go read the other thread (whatever that means)

He requested the perma and can come back. Dunno if the gimmick is hiding really, he is posting in sports, which I don’t follow and it may well be that people there know who he is. I would be a bit surprised if he’s not reading other places though.

But you are just insisting that it is, in fact, like justifying the use of a racial slur, while paradoxically insisting that you’re not doing that. Consider:

Your position is akin to insisting that it actually is homophobic for me, right now, to go to the nearest 24-hour garage and ask the person working the hatch for a pack of f-gs. It must be homophobic, because (you insist) ‘f-gs’ in that context is still a homophobic slur.
