The C-Word

It’s just locker room talk!

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Yes. It’s hard to believe you haven’t seen this said. I mean, this was the whole of the original thrust - the word is sexist wherever in the world it’s used because you must bow to our definition.

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It’s not, though. “Locker-room talk” implies that it would ordinarily be abstained from in the presence of women. That’s just not the case here. Like you are emphatically proving my point here about the inability of certain people to process that no, it really does mean something different outside America.

Tempban for abuse of someone who I just found out is still posting here.

I’m sorry, I thought you were answering the previous question about what you would do if an American expat joined your workplace and told you she found your use of the word uncomfortable or peoblematic.

As in, it’s ok to say it in the “locker room”, just not around her.


Are you allowed to tempban mods? Because there are several personal attacks in the other thread and some of them are from mods.


Well, right now, you are in a place where you know it causes offense. And many of the “lads” want to continue to use the term knowing it causes offense.

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How the fuck was mike supposed to know that cuse’s gimmick was still posting?


I’ve thought about reporting some posts for trolling and insults.

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Dunno, but it was already kinda fuzzy whether or not CW counted as a person who could be abused. My thought is that no, he is not open to abuse, but if he really weren’t a member here I wasn’t sure I would have legit authority to moderate attacks on him. I think this means I do. I could see an argument either way though.

Don’t know and assume not.


And we can’t even put them on ignore either.

Q. If someone posts a jpeg of a section of literature in context that contains the unexpurgated c word, will it result in a ban?

Why wouldn’t it be?

idk it looks to me like most of the “”""“lads”"""" are fine with curbing their use of it. Regardless, all I’m objecting to is the insistence on mischaracterising non-American usage. It doesn’t seem like a huge ask.

Also, can we get rid of the speed limit if mods are bypassing it in conversation (I don’t mind them bypassing for responding to procedural queries or whatever)? It’s kind of irritating.

Eh I respectfully disagree but no need to rehash what’s been discussed a billion times already.

You should unban mike since you admit it’s close and mike clearly thought he was referring to someone who left the community (he did, he made kind of a spectacle of it if you’ll recall). He referred to cuse leaving in that very post!


Even if I grant strictly for the sake of argument that the UK usage isn’t sexist, insisting on the rightness of using it here, around women who are deeply offended, is really sexist.

I’m not going to unban because I admit it was close. I still think it was close, but close on the ban side (given the state of emergency, which is over now).

I think people should care a lot less about these bans and mods should rotate so you all only have a limited time to build up resentment towards anyone.


Good luck on both of those counts!

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That’s never going to happen.

And to the guy you just banned it looks like you jumped in and gleefully banned him the second you figured out the guy he was talking about is technically still a poster here. I don’t think that’s what you did but that’s how your post reads.


Cuses gimmick should be made public if it hasn’t been already