The C-Word

Then you should be fine with censoring the word, right?

Define ‘fine with’. I’m not having a conniption and threatening to leave if it’s censored. I think censoring it won’t achieve the intended aim. If that’s ‘fine with censoring it’ then I’m easy like Sunday morning.


This seems like an impossible standard.

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Obviously I can be dead wrong and this is why I’m asking, but it’s hard for me to believe that there isn’t a decent chunk of people in the ~UK linguistic community who think that ■■■■ is a problematically misogynistic word (for basically the same reasons as Americans) and would like to see it depart their lexicon. Is there such a chunk of people, say >5% or >10%? If this were true, wouldn’t it undermine your position a bit?

It is an impossible standard. For instance, Lapka insists that she is offended by the word deplorables.



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Ugh, I hate that this is so not true that I have to take a side I don’t really care about.

Why did I even read this thread? :frowning:


Did not like seeing nunnehi shunned but Wellnamed’s shunning hurt the site a lot and i feel kind of bad not sticking up for him.

Yeah he gave Mat a safety net when he said he was closing down politics permanently. But id guess he was mostly doing it to keep a politics forum alive on 2p2 and give all of the posters there somewhere to post not just the nazis.

Even if was him wanting to mod a fourm more than saving it for all the regs. Alright. Guess what you lost an at least top three poster in content and knowledge not letting him post here. And lost a good person all around as far as i can tell.

You all should probably invite Original Position too if you want someone else who is sharp.


This is a really bad post that insinuates the people here from the UK and Ireland don’t understand how a word in use in the countries is sexist, but you, someone who knows next to nothing about that, obviously do.

But no American cultural hegemony in this forum? LOL

Insoo tho

wellnamed and chez also get stick here

Not saying they don’t deserve it but it does happen a lot.

Yes, as long as they weren’t doing it to troll.

But Hindus don’t “post swastikas” any more than the English or Germans post heraldic symbols.

Try reading more from what the Irish and Brits are saying before bringing your usual insults. :+1:

Maybe you’ll learn something interesting?

But the word AIDSing doesn’t upset the mod so it must have been in bad faith.

Fucking dreadful.

Zara, there is little evidence our friends from across the pond are acting more childish than the US crowd. It’s pretty childish across the board and has nothing to do with the Cword.


I just see it as a necessary diminutive, though I know in some situations it lumps me in with a bunch of people I have nothing in common with (trying to be polite here), and when others might justifiably be bashing the Brits I feel I might be included in that.


I have noticed.

The rise of nationalism. At this rate we’ll go back to being English I guess.

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I haven’t read 80% of the post itt so my apologies if these points have been made already.

Given this issue won’t die it seems it has exposed something much deeper than the use of a single word. Wearing my anthropology hat, this all feels like classic cultural relativism.

I think the UK crew isn’t really defending the c-word. They are defending their culture. When people point out the word is vulgar and sexist it’s like saying their culture is vulgar and sexist. It feels like an attack at their core cultural identity. I have no doubt when they use it they never mean anything sexist or offensive. Within their cultural context it’s legitimately a term of endearment. It’s also true within the context of “north American” culture the word is highly offensive and sexist. Both things are equally true.

This type of cultural relativism is not uncommon. There is even a term for it. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It came from their discovery that the Hopi had no words for past, present or future.

“Man lives in the world about him principally, indeed exclusively, as language presents it to him.”

Even this quote has an example as the use of the word “Man” has a sexist ring to it to our ears only 80 years later.

The solution to these problems is very simple; Empathy in the classic sense. Realize the UK crew isn’t trying to be offensive when they use a word that is not offensive in their culture. The UK crew should (and I think has) realized that in a context of mostly North Americans the same word will sound offensive so they should be considerate of that context.


I stopped reading at this point. Although it can be used this way, no one itf has any endearment for Boris fucking Johnson.

Complex, isn’t it?

You will be soon enough thanks to that **** Boris

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