The C-Word

Yeah, just mod better! Why didn’t anyone else think of this?

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Not so fast, Bonzo - you first have to pass through the rigorous and entirely objective initiation ceremony to be accepted into this exclusive clique.

Also, £500.

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You could have got £5k. Didn’t your dad ever teach you to not leave money on the table?

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It probably won’t be the only word ever and I mentioned running other polls in the poll. If not though, you’re tapping the glass.

It’s a troll campaign because the extent of vocalizing your issues with my moderation is calling me unfit, biased, a liar, a bad faith actor, and other personal attacks without actually seeking meaningful change. You refuse to make a case, clarify or detail the nature of your accusations, argue for meaningful improvements, or seek to have me removed and replaced. Your sole focus on personal insults directed at me is why it’s a troll campaign and not some substantive interest in improving moderation. You once again, in this very post, passed on the opportunity to clarify what were lies, and what was bad faith. You won’t even do it in your post flag. Heaven forbid you ever try to make a substantive point instead of a personal attack, because then people could see you’re full of shit.

Snark and your response to skydiver are wholly separate things. You came back with a transparently bad faith argument (which I’ve explained in specific detail), not mere sarcasm. I do not equate snarkiness with trolling, and it’s silly to say I do.

You don’t need me to speak for the mods if you can read the room. The mods are in here, all of them making abundantly clear that they’re sick of this shit.


Haven’t we had an explanation for these modding decisions yet from our employees, the mods? Really surprised if not. Maybe they need to be retrained?

I understand why jal can rub people the wrong way too (he goes hard in the paint lol)

I’ll set an example to our mods here and admit this is fair criticism when I’m under attack - all other times I’m just a big fluffy pussycat.

Quite, but that wouldn’t really satisfy the desire for victory and blood.

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So was i. It was always about bannings.


@boredsocial for mod!

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Shouldn’t he get a temp for the insults?


Yes, but of course he won’t.

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Well to be fair I was just being a wiseass. No one has gotten banned for insults I don’t think.

I think you’ll find they have.

Is that right? Well…


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Hi there

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Didn’t know that. Sure are a lot of insults which don’t get modded then.

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That’s exactly a big part of the problem - the sheer inconsistency not only from one mod to another but in the same mod inevitably heightens impressions of bias/prejudice.

It’s a difficult job when the rules aren’t explicitly stated.

Having said that it still doesn’t excuse the recent mod behaviour which people are yet to receive any kind of apology or even recognition that mistakes were made.

The issue is that it’s really two differing communities with different (political) sensibilities. (As always, not limited to just region.)

Anarchy would be fine on each side of the wall. Seems like (what I assume to be) unintentional, organic divide and conquer, rule by minority is at risk otherwise tbh. (Largely due to apathy and the innate nature of well-meaning liberals.)

cuse really, really wanted the forum to just be column A but he was a flawed messenger so the self-imposed martyr went down. I don’t really have a dog in this race but being nice and getting along seems like it should be the goal. I’m down for asterisks and indifferent if that holds for all swear words.

(Big fan of your posts btw.)

He managed to abuse several people in offensive language. Why wouldn’t that be ranked worse than critical remarks about one person’s chosen occupation?

I mean we are talking about hundreds of thousands of dead people and orphaned children here, you know. It’s kind of important and goes to the heart of what a progressive forum should be concerned about but AMAZINGLY appears not to be.

Also lol at your description of me hating when every single one of your posts to me today has been dripping with it.

You seem to think I have some kind of a problem specifically with you, which I don’t. As I said, I hardly know who you are (because you don’t post much), having confused you with ggoreo numerous times.

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We get it, you’ve made clear how little standing he has with you.

The post you quoted in no way makes it seem like he’s taking what you’re saying as specific to him. He said he agrees as a launching pad for the rest of his post.

There can be no solution with those who won’t allow it.