The C-Word

Great snip. Talk about misrepresentation.

And yet your reputation precedes you.

Won’t get dragged in further. It’s just clear what you’re doing to anyone that can see it.

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I like skydiver but threatening to ban people for a word which at the time was allowed was not right.

I get it she is frustrated with all this coming up again but that did not help the situation.


I don’t hate anyone and that’s a fact. I do get cross with people sometimes and make posts that show that, I agree.

I mean last month I even mentioned in PM with a mod that I wanted to patch things up with the one poster who’s been constantly bickering, sniping and insulting me for a year or more. You can check that for yourself if you want. That isn’t the sentiment of someone hateful, and it’s probably more than a lot of people would do, given the history.

Just x-posting this here since this seems to be the problem thread at the moment.

It‘s hard to take your claim that these words are very offensive serious when you appear to be comfortable enough to be one of the few people to actually use them. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here that you are trying to make a point. in reality you are undermining it though.

To me it appears that this whole debate about the c-word is a proxy war for some US vs UK grievances that I don‘t quite understand the origins of. Another example of this is churchill taking constant shots at the US in the Covid thread.

Edited to add:

and this is what you wrote just a couple of posts down so maybe I am onto something here

In light of micro’s recent post warning us about even the merest hint of what could possibly be construed as a personal attack I’m not getting into this now, but you’re wrong and I think it was quite clear what I meant.

Alright, I don‘t know if it makes a difference but I am okay with you speaking freely in response to my post.

Thanks, but it’s not about what you’re ok or not ok with (that’s not what I meant and I have no reason to say anything to you that could be construed by anyone as a personal attack anyway).

The exchange you’ve quoted was with a third party, in fact a mod. I refer you to micro’s post and leave it at that.

I don’t know how much of this long thread you’ve read but I want to say this is the absolute last thread that anyone should be grunching and then posting out of context questions or opinions about because it’s mainly meta.

I voted „don‘t moderate unless sexist“ and I was hoping the community would self-moderate the usage of the word. This clearly isn‘t working and I’d switch my vote if I could.

Definitely not grunching. I am still catching up though. There were 400 new posts made in the past few days when I started reading which in itself is ridiculous.

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I think a lot of people are hoping it will die in the way it should have before it was bizarrely bumped by someone or other for apparently no good reason after 23 days of inactivity.

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Cuse had problems that might have persisted regardless, but we lost a quality high volume poster over people who have spent now dozens of hours of their life arguing over their ability to say c*** as much as possible on a message board.
Jesus fucking christ.

If this goes a few more weeks, to add to the months this stupid insanity has gone on for already, we will have a few people at 100+ hours posting about this. This rivals the “how many days are in a week” body building forum thread for dumbest argument in internet history.


Cuse jumped over the side of the boat out of his own volition. Three times. He‘s a bit of an attention gigolo who could never let anything go.


Better yet make it its own thread. Polls should never be buried deep inside a thread, much less one as toxic as this one.

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This can be true at the same time as the fact that the harassment he endured from this cast of characters was unacceptable and not something any community member should be asked to tolerate, and the mods should have been much more strict.

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Not going to moderate this because that account is gone, but two things

  1. As mentioned we are in a temporary super double no personal attack zone for about 12 more hours and “attention gigalo” would have gotten a ban if directed at a current user.

  2. You didn’t write out his whole username, so this is just a note and not even a warning, but we shouldn’t write out that full account name because he was concerned about it being linked to him irl or on other forums.

Posters who are relentlessly publicly disparaged right now imo:


Probably more

The whole site should have eaten a big ban for the way nunnehi was treated.


And nunnehi should have taken a ban for the way he treated others.

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Several people in that list are abuser and abused.