The C-Word

You forgot Sklansky, whenever he shows up.


He deserves it!


Without wishing to run afoul of microbet’s current policy, I’ll restrict myself to saying that he wouldn’t be the only one on the list who does.

Lovemuffin obv, and although a lot of people I love disagree, he doesn’t deserve it imo.


2+2 Nazi Mod doesn’t deserve to be disparaged on UP? Really? I suspect this is one of the few issues that I and the clique actually agree on. Or am I confused and love muffin is not Well Named’s account over here?

No. You’re confused in that he is not (and was not) a “Nazi Mod”, though. And since you’re such a stickler for the rules (or at least applying them to others), you might want to go easy on the personal attacks against other live accounts.

I stand corrected I guess. And If I eat a ban for calling out the moderator of Stormfront lite then it is a ban I’ll wear with honor I guess.

Oh no, I’m sure the others in the so-called clique agree with you. If you should stand corrected on anything, it’s that there is a clique.

I’m taking that as moderator of Nazis and an attack on 2p2, which was full of bad posters all over the place and not just in that forum at that time, and not saying that LM is a Nazi.

muffin is well named on 2+2

I mean, you can take it how you want, but he’s been called a Nazi on here plenty of times. I ate a lot of shit for sticking up for him in the 2+2 thread, actually.

I’m not sure, but that’s actually the way I read it from jman.

I mean, Watevs comes in to snipe and attack and instigate pretty often. I think it’s pretty ridiculous to call him “relentlessly publicly disparaged” when he dishes it out 99.9% of the time.


My point is that a “no abuse” rule applies to posters you don’t like.

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The percentage there is meant to be absurd? I doubt it’s far from 50/50.

But other people I mentioned are abusive. Most of them. Commonwealth was extremely abusive.


Even Sklansky.

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I don’t really understand the point of your last few posts. We should tolerate abusive behavior from abusive posters, but cannot throw any abuse back at them? What kind of environment is that?

Like the other day for instance, he comes in and throws a blanket generalizing shot (meant to anger people, make no mistake) at half the posters on this forum, I respond in kind, he gets vicious and I get posts hidden while he gets a free pass.

Is that the kind of environment we want to breed here? If so honestly count me out.

Do you have a view on the harassment he and his cohorts liked to dish out initially and subsequently, and what mods should have done about that?

and let’s be clear the people “abusing” watevs are calling him for what he is. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to say it, but he is trolling (or at the very least trying to provoke a reaction) a huge amount of the time. I won’t attach a percentage to it, because we’re sticklers about that.

It’s not ok for you to threaten to take your ball and go home imo.

The question is if the behavior should be moderated or if people should be free to just attack back. And disagreeing with how some tiny little thing is moderated shouldn’t be a reason to go wild. I think goofy hid the posts as he came across them, not out of love for watevs.