The C-Word

I’m not threatening anything. Do not put words in my mouth. I even said last night I’m not gonna threaten to quit. I’m saying count me out of this if that’s honestly the environment you want here. I don’t think it is, and am misunderstanding, but do not put words in my mouth.

Principally, that no prior abuse is justification for subsequent abuse. If the best defense you can muster is whataboutism, you’re gonna have a bad time.

And about the other part of my question, about what mods should have done about it?

Ok. Sorry. That’s not what ‘count me out’ sounded like to me (and I’m sure others).

I’m not even sure what you are thinking I’m wanting as an environment. What I’m saying is that if the most beloved poster cannot be abused, then neither can the least.


My hypocrisy is limited only by your imagination.

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Will he, though?

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I’m not accusing you of anything (I feel this is obvious but given the current climate will state it anyway) but want to understand if I should take that to mean you were comfortable seeing a pile on instigated principally by him and two other current posters over many hours and you deemed mod intervention unnecessary, or uncomfortable and regret not taking action to stop it, or something else?

I even have Watevs and Clovis there right together. Isn’t that clear that I mean all abuse?

And anyone who is against Watevs abusing Clovis or whoever, but ok with him abusing Suzzer for travelling is ok with abuse. They just want their opponents punished.

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This describes the root of a lot of the problems itf imo. I try to be objective and I know others obviously do, but when someone you don’t like so much attacks someone you do, it’s very natural to want to see them at least admonished by mod. Not saying that should always happen, though.

Mods are posters and humans too, aren’t infallible, and probably experience the same difficulties.


For the record, I’m fine with all personal attacks, including (even, especially) those directed at me, but I’m clearly in the minority.

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I mean this was only 3 days ago:

He made an accusation that I bash the left, and I asked him to show me evidence. The “sorry you hate your minimum wage job” comment was in response to him throwing abuse and name calling.

You ignored the flag on his classist ■■■■ post, and then for whatever reason the post below that gets hidden, responding to baseless accusations he made (which he does often).

So my question is why was that ok 3 days ago and it’s not ok to do now? To me, it looks like you took no action because you essentially agreed with him. I would say moderation decisions should not be flavored by who you do/don’t like, or who you do/don’t agree with.

Totally unmodded? Including possible illegal threats that have sometimes happened on other forums?

It’s a modest minority. With my mod hat on, I’m trying to enforce the vote that was taken. With my mod hat off, not that I don’t like people just getting along and respecting each other, but if people are going to fight, I’m not really against gloves off.

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OK. Let’s see how long that lasts.

This is you accusing me of hypocrisy.

Not it isn’t if the second option is true - it’s a human error.

I have already tried to explain this one to you. Some other mod clicked “ignore” on the flag notification on first post there which I think they meant to just make the notification go away and pass the buck to another mod, but when I went to clean up that thread, it sorta blocked me from hiding that post. I hid the rest. I’m not sure the best way around this.

I think you are serious and I really doubt I can effect what you think here. But, I ignored all flags for a long time. ALL OF THEM. In discussions with other mods about the state of affairs it became clear that mods arguing with posters were reluctant to moderate them because they didn’t want to appear vindictive and many people were feeling abused. I offered to moderate some things more heavily and what I came up with was a 24-hour super strict period in hopes that it would make a point or at least let things cool down a little. I have certainly endeavored during this period to be fair and catch any abuse I see, but it’s still not easy.

eta: By “ignore” I mean I hit the ignore button. I read them. I didn’t know at the time that hitting “ignore” meant that other mods would not be able to take action. I thought I was just getting rid of a notification.

No, he’s not a nazi, he’s just a nazi-enabler.

But you’re still deliberately leaving out an obvious explanation involving neither hypocrisy nor incompetence, that I didn’t read the pile-on you’re talking about and have no thoughts on it to offer.

I am well aware what happened. But, micro was the mod and was in that conversation, and knew the whole context. He chose to ignore the flag and let the conversation continue, and chastised ME for saying my “classist” insult (which, again, was a response to name calling and abuse).

To me, that looks like a mod chastising certain behavior while giving a pass to similar behavior elsewhere.