Boredsocial for mod: First step, ban [redacted] [UNDRAFTED] and the girl reading this


Your description of the response you got in that thread is wrong and bordering on absurd. And no, just because something is published in the Bee Bee See doesn’t mean you’re blameless for posting it uncritically. There is bad science journalism out there, and that was some. The guy quoted may be a scientist, but he’s acting unscientifically by asking countries to alter policy based on conjecture and not evidence.

Your wish is my command.

Pointing out bad behavior may cut off the whining about anonymous flags and activist mods.

I don’t want to speak for fidget, but I think this:

is an unnecessarily dismissive/sneering way to refer to the source of the article in question.


If the community expects moderator posts to be 100% snark-free, I’ll happily resign.



I like the community, I want it to succeed, and, as has been repeatedly stated, there aren’t a lot of volunteers for the job. Our most recent one was just voted down bigly.


I guess? What’s your point?

C’mon man, as a moderator, you want to keep getting digs in, now of all times? I’m not expecting “100% snark-free” but to take shots right now from the mod role is showing some bad judgement, imo.


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Potato volunteered and I guarantee he would win. I think there were two or three others as well.


Wookie’s been extremely valuable in the COVID thread. I’m not sure why mods would be expected to not post?


Not sure I would call that winning tbh.


Was it your impression that any single mod was all that eager to try to deal with this stupid feud, all the while having every post and action criticized while dealing with it?


I’m not sure what you are trying to do here Jman? Do you think Wookie is incapable of standing up for himself? Are you trying to tell SensiblePerson how to feel?

It is difficult enough to separate the mod from the poster without ex-mods piling on against posters.


2 cents from a long time lurker here.

I’d say I feel both a twinge of sadness and anger at the direction the forum has gone post elections. The sadness part is obvious, the anger is that I have to admit (to myself) that the right wing rhetoric about the left (especially the liberal left) eventually “eating it’s own” is most probably true.

For me personally I’ve benefitted from this forum by being able to take in a left leaning perspective of the issues of the day from (and by) the lived experiences of people; as opposed to media personalities. For me personally the current toxicity doesn’t really matter and if I have to honest, there is a “reality tv”/trainwreck aspect to it that have to admit is perversely enjoyable!


I would volunteer to be a mod but I think I would be really bad at acting on anything. Someone used the term abuse in the other thread. I don’t understand how you can feel abused by a stranger you don’t know typing something on the internet. I’m not saying this to dismiss how others feel as their experience is their experience. I just don’t get it personally.

But this is my first time being part of something like this. I don’t have history on 2p2 with anybody.


I think it helps to distinguish it from the popular category of pornography.