The C-Word

This dude needs to fucking go. You guys already threw cuse over the side of the boat for this asshole and his friends.

I was right about everything then. Micro’s idiotic ideas about how to run a community are running this place straight into the ground full stop.

Appeasing trolls is a guaranteed losing strategy on the internet. We don’t owe people who are harvesting other posters pain for giggles anything.

We have something special on this site, but that’s despite the way we run the site not because of it. This place is massively less than the sum of it’s parts because almost half the forum seems to be actively in favor of burning it down.


You’ve already made your views clear on how you want to permaban people.

I don’t know who it was who was flagging all the posts that led to the mod behaviour we saw itt, but threatening to ban people for using a word (in a non-abusive way) that was accepted by the community in a poll is pretty bad, don’t you think?

And any behaviour the mods don’t approve of was limited to this thread anyway, was it not? (Apart from one poster calling another the c-word in another thread which inconsistently didn’t result in a ban for abuse).



It’s always helpful to toss multiple personal attacks into a post about how some guy and his friends are ruining the forum with their personal attacks. But congrats about being right, about something…


Wait you’re here to defend checks notes jalfrezi from checks notes again personal attacks?

You sound like an idiot. As always I would rather be accurate than well liked or pleasant in any way.

Anarchy doesn’t work, even for a community as small as this… That makes it idiotic. Jalfrezi and co run off posters and have a new target selected by the next day. That makes them both trolls and assholes.

Fuck you for complaining about me calling balls and strikes. Posts like this enabling terrible behavior are a huge part of the problem here.

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seems pretty much one sided, but I would really like to see as many votes as the original poll got

It’s almost enough to make you think that some here may have been keen on the idea of gaining lessons from the Trump regime and Q on how to create a groundswell of opinion based on total bullshit.


You’re racking up quite a few personal attacks this morning. I guess you’ve decided that personal attacks are completely fine against anyone you decide is an idiot or an asshole. Or anyone who perhaps disagrees with you. (But then you also want to reserve the right to determine when others are allowed to behave in the same way as you, and when they’re not.)

Fine example you’re setting here. If the mods took your advice, you would be eating a temp ban right about now.


Sounds familiar!

should I make this a banner?

Exactly. And it’s going to be the only word censored? So when you see four asterisks you know someone is calling someone else a ■■■■■ lol?

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I know semantically it is silly, but, it matters to some people. It’s been handled this way pretty successfully across the internet for decades.


don’t think I’ve ever run across a single word profanity filter before, but ok.

2+2 converts anything on the proscribed list to ******, which is where most of the mods here want to take us.

Good for you, responding to that like it was a serious objection or concern. I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

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I’m fine with censoring other 4 letter words - fuck, shit, piss, whatever. I tend to use a lot of profanity in my posts - and I like when these words are bleeped, because it takes an edge off of my posts, but my intended meaning is still clear. I like being able to swear like a sailor and not have as much risk at offending anyone.

Just my 2c of course, I doubt that would be popular here. But we can bleep whatever f***ing words we want.

I mean to the extent this forum shows up in search engines and to casual observers, yeah, it matters.

how often is the naughty word in question used in the forum outside this thread?

I posit that the real problem over the last couple months isn’t words, it’s posters following other posters around and sniping relentlessly.

I also agree with NBZ that getting a 6 hour ban or a warning to “knock it off” isn’t a big deal and shouldn’t be treated as some gross miscarriage of justice that it is being characterized as.


In races with a heavy favourite bookies here sometimes offer odds “without” the favourite. If you removed from the count the biggest user of the word outside this thread I doubt it’s very often at all.

If you don’t like being lumped in with a group of posters, maybe you should have thought about that before participating the same troll campaigns? You like each others posts. You argue on the same side frequently (while knowing full well not many other people agree with you). You behave as a bloc when it comes to moderator issues.

Do you think that the personal attack standards ratified on this site don’t apply to you? Because this is way over the line.

You’re a founding member of the troll campaign that drove off a community member, and in short order you’ve redirected the campaign at me and now skydiver. It is absurd that we should treat your repeated personal attacks and harassment as somehow acceptable lest you accuse us of bias. The mods have had enough of it.

I’m of the opinion that if we’re facing the choice between someone waging a harassment campaign and the target of that campaign, we should be banning the harassers, not letting the target ride off into the sunset again.

Of course it’s not, unless you’ve got a persecution complex, and need ammo to drive off moderators.