The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Honestly, I don’t think it matters what we do or say. There is an alternative media universe that has half the country brainwashed.




Chris Farley running Q operations out of Hancock Center with Elvis and Tupac is exactly how I’d write it for a big Hollywood movie.


Fuck I’d move to Wyoming if I could continue to work remote for the same salary why the fuck not. Not like I can go to a concert or a good restaurant anyways.

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Now down to 266K. Again, no Philly updates. Love every time the deficit gets cut without anything from Philly. (I assume the county stats are being updated in real time whenever the overall PA numbers are).


You know, this is true. If Trump does just absolutely wild batshit insane stuff for the next month we might have a shot.

Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia likely saved america.

Shout out GREEARRRRRR and Ins0000000000000 and of course @anon38180840 respectively.


Trump has actually been less off the rails on Twitter than I expected tbh.

Sweetsummerchilding here, but Trump campaign to undermine results after Biden pronounced winner (especially if Penn as well) will be unpopular among Republicans and gain no traffic.

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Someone else said that to me too. I said it shows how low our expectations are now. Like not encouraging armed men to invade counting stations is basically all he needs to do to beat them.


Reddit r/conservative live thread is giving up. Also, apparently Fox News is Leftist now.


As the dust settles, I think a lasting takeaway for me is that DVaut1 is legitimately a political genius. Almost everything that dude ever said came to pass.


Race Alert: I’m hearting a Nate Cohn tweet

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Often imitated, never duplicated Orange Unicorn, baby. Can’t fake the greatest of all time levels of narcissistic personality disorder unless mothafukkaz be tryna get that elective amygdalectomy.

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Dems not taking the senate sucks, but it may be a blessing in disguise in that way. Most Republicans are probably happy to be rid of Trump, and now they can jettison him while also maintaining enough power to keep grifting their shitty hearts out.

Oof I just realized the perfect way to turn those big sky states blue. Just build great internet infrastructure out to them and start building housing developments and consumer services marketed to outdoorsy millenials who work from home. It is crazy beautiful out there, there’s a reason why the rich people love UT and Jackson Hole. Also the local taxes are like nothing. We’re upper middle class millenials mostly, we know exactly how powerful the demand for affordable housing for people like us is. Imagine someone offered you a nice house in a beautiful place for 180k where the internet was great. The UP home game would be held there because 4-5 of us would live there.

Take all the local tax revenue and plow it into the schools obviously so that we can all move away and sell our houses for a bundle when the kids move out. Yeah it’ll increase property tax costs, but obviously most of the people who take this deal are going to have kids and want good schools. Probably piss off the locals by raising property taxes to pay for those schools, but oh well.


Don’t forget Omaha!

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