The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

and a lot of the doom and gloom itt is because a) the Senate, b) way too many people voted for Trump. I think people were expecting a strong repudiation of Trump bullshit and it’s not clear we got that at all.


currently having one of these for breakfast. How are you all doing?


Define “win”.

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No 12th creates a big incentive for political assassinations at the top, so self-interest will work in its support.

The 13th would get some support so that people can say “Look, I’m not a racist. I support the 13th Amendment. But banning race-based voting qualifications is just a step too far!”

EDIT: I considered the Third, but the support-the-troops pushback will be too strong. Hell, if the Third got proposed, the pushback might lead to the adoption of a national Quartering Act.

Some PA just dropped somewhere, Biden’s deficit down to 589k.

So going forward, rather than adding DC/PR as states, or whatever other constitutionally difficult reform, why not just send like 100k reliable Dem voters to Wyoming? I dunno, have the UC system build a satellite campus in Laramie, and make tuition free.

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Had a few of these last night into the small hours. Nice choice.

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Fair enough, but it’s natural for the people who were right to be in a mood to be a little dickish about it, especially since we won the White House.

stephanie ruhl is a dumb girl from a frat

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Jesus what a fucking night.

All I can really say is while we’re all in the pit of fucking despair about this country:

We are going to win the 2020 election.

Yes, not much will happen, we won’t get shit done, the SCOTUS is fucked, but:

We will not be pulling out of NATO and the UN.
The world will not be leaving the USD as the reserve currency.
We will no longer be heading towards banana republic fascism.

We need a complete and total reckoning about the Democratic party (and fuck all of us Nancy Pelosi is Speaker again) but, the GOP is in worse shape. They are going to implode.

In a week we will be feeling way, way better.


Nah, I just looked at the NYT house page which currently showed a +4 gain for the GOP and looked at a bunch of still uncalled races, where most were led by the R candidate - but it could be another case of Dem-leaning mail ballots still needing to be counted as well.

Not sure if there is a proper forecast/projection anywhere.

Not Me!

dammit I was about to joke that the third would have a good chance

The lack of unhinged tweets from the Florida Man is making me nervous.

If your goal is a smooth election that ensures all votes are properly counted and there is no confusion or implication of impropriety, then yes, it’s a terrible idea. However that is not the republicans goal. While I’m sure they were hoping for a clean Trump win, they knew a close race with Biden votes neatly segregated into challengeable piles was an outcome they wanted to be prepared for, and here we are.

You’re damn right I panicked and melted down. Polling that had us optimistic for some sort of historic repudiation of racism and bigotry was absolutely demolished, and even if we do elect Biden, it may literally be on exactly 270. To suggest that set of facts shows that people panicking and slipping into existential dread was lol silly geese is nuts. This shit is close. Maybe the closest of all time?


There are a few dozen people at most who hear what he has to say, and to all of them he’s just some angry guy on the internet.

The reason why progressives don’t have a foothold in the party is because of people like Joe Biden, Mayor Pete, and literally every single MSNBC personality who make a career out of attacking progressives from the right. These voices reach millions and are trusted.


Let’s not forget that at the end of all this Biden looks to have won the popular vote somewhere in the 4-6 point range. I mean this was a shitty result, but the good people in this country outnumber the shitty ones by the millions.


It looks like you aren’t getting your gold simulator yeah.

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Unsure that fascism has been stopped at all.

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