The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Wanna know why we can’t expand the progressive base? Take a look in the fucking mirror.


Absolutely. I’m notorious for panicking and I was calm. We knew WI/MI/PA would go hard for Trump early and come back late, and the only reason to worry was if the outstanding vote in places we knew we’d win stopped covering the margin. It never did. Like, I’m an extremely conservative bettor on stuff other than poker and I was hammering double max bets on WI/MI and a max bet on PA.

Alright, but like 90% of posts overall were people melting down.


i dont really blame pollsters much here… we’ve seen that people are simply LYING about who they are voting for/whether they have decided. they dont want to admit they are voting for the racism. you can’t get good results from shitty data.


I assume we lost all those statehouses we needed to control redistricting?


I mean, okay, but maybe that means they’re not contributing ~anything of value and should get a real job?


Some local newspaper that can barely keep the lights on selling ad copy for garage sales

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I’m curious when we dig in where the polls missed exactly. I wonder how much was in non single households, lying to appease a spouse. Maybe going to touch tone polling would be more effective.

Right it’s angry people on the internet who prevent the progressive base from expanding and not a concerted effort from the people with influence in the party and the media. Totally Watevs’ fault.


Blah. Yeah that’s not great. Still possible if the last 15 percent is all absentees or something, but yeah, not great.

Yeah, it’s not at all clear to me that a “competent” Trump would actually do much better. I have no idea, but it really does feel like Trump has a Mr. Burns “All the diseases exactly balance each other out” quality that I suspect is really hard to replicate.

He also has a “sincerity” quality that I don’t think most other candidates have. Because I suspect even when he knows he’s lying he quickly starts buying into it.

Anyway, it’s hard to know. And super hard to predict how someone else would do with this same strategy. Lots of people have tried and failed.

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I’ll put it this way, we won the popular vote in PA 55-44 in 2018 and lost the state house by a 54% to 46% margin. So, yeah we probably got absolutely smoked in that.


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who’s drunk and has two thumbs and called this. me. motherfuckers


Is that certain? Didn’t it look like we were maybe picking up some seats in California at one point last night?

There was plenty of warranted panicking going on last night. My only major complaint was the 1 or 2 posters that kept freaking out over initial raw vote total (with no analysis) coming into places like MI. That was amateur hour.


Plenty of people thought Biden would likely win (enough electoral votes before the courts get involved) bit still had a WAAF attitude because this result means WAAF. This result fucking blows. Its nothing like what we and you were hoping for. Stop with this bullshit that it’s exactly what you expected.


I don’t think we should criticize anyone here for any reactions last night or this morning. It’s a stressful time and a whole range of emotions is/was completely appropriate.


CNN talked about it briefly but it may have been before more numbers dropped, so not sure now.

Yeah it’s totally people exactly like him who turn people off from the message by being complete fucking assholes to any and everyone who doesn’t 100% agree with them all the time about everything. Absolutely. Why the fuck would anyone want to hear what he has to say?

See, that’s the problem with those “do you have a drinking problem?” checklists: they all want yes/no answers to what are clearly essay questions.