The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

The media is about to have to start pushing the BIDEN WON narrative and hard because Republicans are going to shift into the full gaslight/litigate mode before noon.

It’s going to start happening fast.



I think Biden ends up with 290 electoral votes honestly. Edit: Forgot about Maine-2. 291.

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Read the thread from last night. We’ve got this, and we had it the whole way. We had the margin covered in WI and MI the whole way off Detroit and Milwaukee. We have a good shot at GA, we have a shot at NC.

The entire forum melted down except for like three of us, and the meltdown was uncalled for. Biden’s odds of winning were never below 70-80% and it’s currently like 99%. If you want to come up with scenarios where the SCOTUS somehow steals it by selectively tossing ballots across like 3 states, go for it, but that’s about what Trump is now drawing to and I don’t see it happening.


I know, I must have posted about the red mirage like a dozen times in like 40 minutes and every time people had no idea what I was talking about despite the fact that we’ve known about it for months

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This is funny, because exactly this happened in Indonesia last year. Bitter election, fake polls, both sides claimed victory, there was a few days of rioting, then when things calmed down the winner asked the loser to take a cabinet position and he accepted.


Homo sapiens is a giant rash that spread too fast across the face of the planet.

I’d prefer to leave a smaller number of suitable survivors - less than a hundred million in clumps around the world. That should sort out most of the world’s problems.

It looks like Biden is on track to sweep Maine’s ED’s actually. Collins is also still very live to lose.


25k with 7% to go, Peters picked up 6k over 1% reporting. If that holds he wins by 15kish


Stay classy, cuse. :grin:

Are you fucking serious when you say the meltdown was uncalled for? Really?


Man these “everyone” was whatever posts are always way way way way off. I know I didn’t melt down. A strong majority just didn’t post like they were certain of some outcome.


One thing painfully obvious from this is that Dems need to adopt and propagate uniform voting standards and election protocols, and try to push them in as many states as possible. All this bullshit with signatures and secret envelopes is crippling, and there should be reasonable procedures for quickly counting mail-in/absentee ballots.


F. Susan back up over 50% with 85% in. Let’s face it, even if though rank choice breaks Gideon’s way, its not going to be 100%. Susan needs to get below 49% to have a chance.


that escalated quickly


I disagree with all of these Trump takes. His support comes from the reality TV constant drama. People are hooked. From owning libs on the Facebook to the flags, parades, etc. they just can’t get enough. They don’t want the ride to stop. Lol at thinking it’s some fucking rational decision about policies. Seriously?


2 hours sleep, not sure if the timeline is diverging away from WOAT yet, best I can do under the circumstances


I mean, I think I’m included as one of the holy trinity of three (lol), but I was deeply distressed by some of the scenarios that we might have been observing.

Nothing was certain.

I stayed up with some beers until 5.30am until I was too tired to continue.

Man, I wonder how many seats the GOP will gain in the House as well. :worried:

where are you seeing this? would love this so much.