The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Michigan hasn’t really been in doubt since like 2 in the morning. Wisconsin/Nevada still much closer.

even if he did get bombed on he’d just claim he barely lost anything anyway

Weren’t there a big chunk of votes supposed to be coming in from PA at 9AM EST?

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Somewhere in middle America

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As many of us have often said. They’re going to call us socialists no matter what. So just tell people you’re going to give them stuff, then give them stuff. Easy game.


maybe hire some guys to work the phone who speak Spanish there Quinnipiac


I’m expecting a Trump tweet any minute where he tries to order PA to stop counting via executive order or something.

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I dont know how to say this nicely, but please shut the fuck up. We may barely pull this out by the thinnest of margins, when going into yesterday we were all looking at a waffle stomp. This act of “this is exactly what I thought would happen” is getting old.


Right, I’m saying that it’s appropriate that he is viewed as a slightly more sophisticated RCP poll average with much better graphs. Instead of the ELECTION GOD reputation he was able to build for some inexplicable reason.

I don’t actually think a progressive candidate would do better but I’m ready to try one to find out.


QF posterity.

Well said.

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if you come close to annilation, you are still basically annilated. Extinguish the human race. We are too stupid to live.


Probably best not to use that word in this thread for the time being


Plus whatever A+ outfit that got the WI +17 should be downgraded to D

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just so you know i caved and put in my first bet of the election now

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Turns out the only good pollster is that Iowa outlier? They legit nailed it!


that was A+ rated ABC/Wapo

Official results not in yet.

it’s funny because the same thing happened four years ago

You prob missed it, but yeah we talked about this. That huge independent swing in the poll none of us could believe? It was almost certainly due to ACB and Democrat incompetence at messaging that even remotely correctly.