The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Biden is more likely than not to win WI, MI, PA and is a coin flip for GA. I don’t get all the doom and gloom, we’ve been talking about how he would need the mail in votes to be counted for months now.

Hell, the Senate isn’t completely lost. Are you guys so sure MAGA chuds are going to show up for a GA special election without Trump on the ballot?


Don’t forget that Republican party registrations also went up pretty massively in the last year. The percentage didn’t go up because moderates fled the party.


I mean I’m not sure how you can blame Silver for that. He doesn’t conduct any polls, just averages them together.


If Biden holds on, seems like Trump has earned a shot at a cabinet post.


i am not drinking at 6am. i am still drinking from last night.


An additional schadenfreude bonus is having Awice lose. Although he probably managed to arb a bunch of that when Biden was like +600 or whatever.

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I doubt any of us donated to them.

Haha Georgia lettuce not pin our hopes there

I have to say this has all made me seriously question my priors and has me thinking the strong progressives on the board were right and I was very wrong.

Consider this my formal apology to them.

Dems are given zero credit for being centrist. It’s time to throw bombs. If our goal is some kind of normal politics a decade from now we have to be willing to destroy the system now.


dude last night you were about to jump off a bridge before the Fox AZ call


It’s going to be a hell of a race.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Dems could say, “Hey, y’all, make this happen for a stimulus and M4A” instead of “Hi guys, do this and we will protect Obamacare!”

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They think it’s fine to prop up a gang of racist war criminals because they don’t actually donate money to the cause

Lol yup this was exactly posted as I made this post. Morons still think that former republicans sucking 70 million dollars out of democrats pockets was worth it

sure but at no point did silver suspect something might be off, he just built points in his model because he learned from 16 to half ass everything like that he really wanted it to be 95+.

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Still need one of Collins/Cunningham/other GA + the special to get to 50. And that is all assuming Peters holds on.

Looking really close to being able to say 270 is happening. Still would feel way more comfortable if PA, GA, or NC flip.

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It’s like 90% of the forum just totally forgot about the red mirage at 9pm EST because we lost Florida early, which shouldn’t have shocked anyone .


He’s also been smart enough to get reaaaallllly careful with his language since 2016.



Kinda crazy that ultimately Omaha may end up saving the country.


Dude Nate’s entire job is to average polls in a way that provides an accurate election forecast. That’s literally all he does.

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