The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

There are a few dozen people at most who hear what he has to say, and to all of them he’s just some angry guy on the internet.

The reason why progressives don’t have a foothold in the party is because of people like Joe Biden, Mayor Pete, and literally every single MSNBC personality who make a career out of attacking progressives from the right. These voices reach millions and are trusted.


Let’s not forget that at the end of all this Biden looks to have won the popular vote somewhere in the 4-6 point range. I mean this was a shitty result, but the good people in this country outnumber the shitty ones by the millions.


It looks like you aren’t getting your gold simulator yeah.

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Unsure that fascism has been stopped at all.

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Not really. Because although less certain than you, I was right too. The result still blows and you doing some kind of weird “exactly what I thought guys you suck im awesome” dance over like 50 posts is fucking tiresome.

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Fascism has been postponed. Victory.


This is for a discussion at another time but I want to put it here first, AOC needs to to switch parties and run as a Republican.


No I pulled out of all my markets around midnight last night when I had nearly doubled my money. I’m gonna get best of both worlds maybe!


I think this will be a big problem for the gop in 2024. Dumb as his act is to us, Trump entertains the base in a way that it’s laughable to imagine any other Republican politician trying to pull off.

Who can replicate the Trump aura? Don Jr. might be the closest but that’d be a trainwreck campaign well beyond his dad’s.

It’ll be interesting to see if the base will accept a politician who isn’t in on the joke the way Trump is.

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But like, m4a would directly benefit the vast majority of voters. Basically any redistributive policies would. They don’t know this because of propaganda, pure and simple.


Four, crossing fingers, eight years to make enough bread to bounce >>> 0 years

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Oh absolutely it does I agree. But the ACA as it was originally proposed by the Obama administration, of which Biden was part, did include a public option. It was stripped out later when fuckhead Joe Lieberman threatened to scuttle the whole thing and vote with the GOP if it was left in.

But it was in the original plan, and Biden has repeatedly said during this campaign he wants to put it back in as it was conceived originally. Saying that he now doesn’t want a public option isn’t not based on any available evidence.

I don’t think Republican is the right approach. But I’ve never really understood why a 3rd party doesn’t break out at the House level. It seems totally possible (after a few elections of building the brand) of getting a coalition of 20-30 seats. Then use that to control a lot more of the agenda in the house. It’s sort of the Tea Party strategy but more explicit.

Also, with regard to the continued WAAF becuase Trump is somehow going to get Barrett to stop the counting… I mean I think we got a taste for what will happen. Ben Shapiro of all fucking people called him out on it. He is not going to have support for extreme actions. The Republican Party used him to preserve their senate majority, appoint a shit ton of judges, and pass a tax cut that we likely can’t undo now. Why on earth would Mitch McConnell even want Trump in the White House right now? He got everything he needed out of him. Watch Trump get thrown to the curb here.


but it IS exactly what billions of people in this forum were saying was going to happen.

if Trump wins i will seek to create ice9


People have mistaken not being politically correct with being honest.

Trump is ice-9


I have pre-existing conditions and I’m about to lose my healthcare, and without the Senate I’m pretty much fucked. So I have plenty at risk. I also have numerous people I love who are massively screwed under Trump. I was calm because I knew Trump was losing, not because I was blase about him winning. Jesus, read my posts occasionally. I am many things. Blase about a second term of Trump, or the first for that matter, is not one of them.

Amazing how much money was flushed trying to shame Republicans into voting for Joe Biden.

Close to a billion dollars. Plus dozens of high level GOP endorsements for Biden.

Trump voters simply don’t care.