The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

This is saddening and this type of doom and gloom is totally appropriate.

Thatā€™s awesome and hilarious. Iā€™m actually really glad something good came out of this complete disaster.

Iā€™m still processing what this election means, and probably will be for a long while. I feel good about the world view adjustments I made after 2016, and I feel way way better about how I got out early and strong for a far leftist who was good at messaging to conservatives. I think thatā€™s the type of politician we need to be backing going forward.

I know a lot of you will not appreciate the way this candidate sounds, but after last night I donā€™t honestly give a fuck about what makes any of you guys happy on messaging. Youā€™ve all got pet issues that youā€™d rather see the country burn down than ignore, and I donā€™t blame you for that, but none of you matter even 1/20th as much as a rural voter from a state with 2 senators for <5M people. We have to contest the Senate in these places, and if that means we donā€™t get to run the score up as much in CA and NY so be it.

the GOP did it intentionally in those states. So itā€™s best.

A gift to those with bad memories


You thought Trump would lose. You probably believed it too, as I did. But neither of us knew.

If you knew, you should have liquidated every asset and lumped it all on Biden.

Youā€™re coming off like wil after he backed Trump in 2016.

The whole concept of lying doesnā€™t apply to Trump in the normal sense. To tell a ā€œlieā€ a person has to acknowledge reality, then wilfully misrepresent that reality. Trump jumps right past all that to just saying whatever he feels should be true in that instant. There is no reckoning with reality at all, at any level. Its more than a lie, really, itā€™s the whole post-factual thing. He says things that arenā€™t true but he doesnā€™t get there by lying in the way that you or I would tell a lie.


God please let this piece of shit be poor now.


Nah. Trump is not getting thrown to the curb. This election showed he is still ridiculously popular among the GOP base, and I expect them to try to run as the party of Trump until it stops working. They will whitewash away his bad stuff and he will be remembered as this generations Ronald Regan. Reviled among the left, but seen as a conservative icon to be emulated by the right.


Yeah, all the people cuse is doing his weird dance on today.

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Thereā€™s too much identity politics baked in to the political party structure to overcome imo. Iā€™m suggesting she take advantage of those identity politics and just put on the red cape. Deplorables ultimately do not care about socialism or taxes or immigrants or any of the boogeyman theyā€™ve been shouting about if itā€™s their own guy giving them what they want. Republicans can do no wrong in their eyes so just become a Republican.

That was a while ago but I forgot to mention it. Doh! At least part is from Philly, but we have plenty left there still.

I donā€™t think so, this is how itā€™s almost always been done in a lot of states in the past, mostly because the number of mail-in votes was always relatively small and unlikely to change anything until this year.

Iā€™m starting to rethink this a bit and I think I have some support from political science and other social science research.

Iā€™m starting to think the main driving factor is pure tribalism. It is completely irrelevant who the republican is or what their policies are. Republicans vote republican. Itā€™s pure team support and that is all.

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dems in WI/MI/PA tried to change that and got blocked by the good old GOP

Srsly everybody needs some sleep.

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Most of this forum does not consider the candidate you are talking about as a leftist or even progressive.

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Also, and not for nothing, but a Biden presidency likely means that the republicans take the house and keep the Senate in 2022. Nobody is sacrificing themselves at the altar to help Trump cling to power.

I think you can find districts where this isnā€™t true. Maybe Iā€™m off, but it feels like if AOC ran as part of a new party she created, saying sheā€™d work with the Democrats wherever there is alignment but that she feels theyā€™re too far to the centre, wouldnā€™t she win re-election?

Find just a few more people in a similar position/district and start building the brand.

Because they never even looked at him. The only time they mention him is when they find one of his (absolutely absurd number of) tweets less than perfect. He was easily the most different candidate in the field, and easily the most gifted communicator of the bunch. It just worked a little too well because the left is just as dumb as the right about tribalism. He didnā€™t use their words so they didnā€™t notice he had just successfully rebranded their product to sell to a new customer base.

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Also weā€™re going to be back in the Paris Agreement in < 3 months. Thatā€™s big.

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