The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

You weren’t exactly a voice of reason dude. “Texas is live! Texas gonna be super close!” Long after Texas was a dead and bloated corpse. Your extraordinary optimism carried you through, but it bordered on fantasy there for a while.

Edit: and don’t get me wrong, I was overly optimistic too. Lol, “Ohio looks decent?”
Wtf was I thinking?


ah, yeah. from that point of view you’re right

I have some hope that a Biden presidency follows the Obama/Trump trend of abusing the fuck out of the Executive branch. Is it ideal long term? Almost certainly not. But neither is a system that depends on the Senate which is controlled by a minority of the country.

kinda amazing how well pre election betting lines were vs so many expert prediction models and all of that was simply button clickers vs each other


The ego’s on this forum, god damn.

Imaging arguing about who was the most rightest about last night the day after before the election is even officially over.

I was more righter than you were!


Did we win yet?

Jesus Christ, give it a rest already.

Makes me think things are happening behind the scenes and they told him to be quiet and not give it away.

ya jfc new thread for the bickering please

One thing I’m never doing again is giving a shit about the polls. It’s very obvious in hindsight that they were wishcasting with their adjustments to the electorate and have no idea what they are doing. I’ll start believing when they hit 5 in a row. Because science that’s why.


Maybe thrown to the curb is the wrong phrase to use. None of them are sticking their necks out to help him right now.

This. I’ve been up for like 27 hours.


I will make $500/hr patenting a legit and novel chinese vape cartridge. instead i am drunk on my couch. fuck Trump.


Me too, not drunk and running spreadsheets.

I think we can safely put you in the mean drunk category. But given the circumstances, its allowed. :slight_smile:

It’s the first gambling I’ve ever done where I just went with gut feeling and emotion the entire time and it worked. Although, I knew the early results would probably break trump, so even in the event of a biden win i could probably cash out at the apex of the trump confidence. I kind of just accidentally cashed out at the perfect time it looks like though.

But why the disaster? We’re gonna win the white house. I’m still not getting my hopes up but biden doesn’t even need PA to win this right?

I wonder if at some point we’re gonna stop looking at the polls being wrong and start looking at the possibility of rampant cheating.


They nailed 2018 pretty much. It was not unreasonable to think they learned something. But they can do a whole hell of a lot of fucking off now, that’s for sure.

There is so much executive action horror shows that Trump did in the past four years that Biden can undo with the stroke of a pen that people are forgetting is really important. Just the environmental stuff alone. Paris Accord is part of it, but there was a ton of other evil shit he did on the environment.


I hope you don’t think I’m arguing or care about being right. I just want Cuse and Simp to STFU with their crass chest thumping BS when we barely squeeked one out here (hopefully, that is) and the result still blows. The WAAF mood in here all night was about way more than the Presidency.


Alright you’re right, I’m being a dick and I’ll stop. Sorry guys. But like I’m always dunked on for panicking and made fun of for it, and on the biggest political night of all of our lives, I did not panic and I’m proud of myself for paying attention to the numbers, knowing what was still outstanding, and trusting the numbers.

I also still think the final margins (may be another week or two to get them) aren’t going to be as close as most ITT think in MI and WI.


Preventing us from having to sweat Trump 2024 is in the hands of dementia and the legal system now. I think we’re probably favorites.

Unfortunately Trump 2.0 could be absolutely lethal. Honestly if Trump 2.0 is willing to do business with the Democrats and believes in climate change he might win my vote at this point.

A lot is going to happen between now and 2022. A lot more is going to happen between now and 2024. Let’s try to be grateful that the worst case scenario of Trump winning reelection and ending Democracy is fading away before our eyes. Hopefully it fucking holds.

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