The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

i am a kind drunk, but i am not merciful


Thanks, Iā€™ll STFU now too.

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PBS lady


any chance there are a several house seats that swing back blue as mail-ins get counted? Like in 2018?

I think the whole court packing message got through and enough folks didnā€™t like it and say hi split government. Morons.

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Lack of institutional trust is this countries biggest problem right now. Well, not biggest but itā€™s kind of the root cause of all of our problems.

That is the main case for UBI right now IMO. People need to start believing our govt and institutions can work for them again.

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Lol CNN reported that Trump insiders indicated Trump threw a temper tantrum last night. I choose to believe that.


Thatā€™s how they got me to believe them for 2020. Now I need 5 in a row to ever take them seriously again. It wonā€™t happen because statistics so Iā€™ll probably never care about them again. Nate Silver can get fucked.

Idk what limits there are on executive orders but Biden needs to order M4A and call it Dem Care, give out free money and call it Biden bucks, raise the minimum wage and call it the minimum wage brought to you by the Democrats. Basically start dropping propaganda while improving peopleā€™s lives.

Pretty sure he canā€™t do any of this tho.


eh, they badly missed in R states too that year

Temper tantrums arenā€™t called weeks earlier by the person having them.

Who exactly do they expect to ā€œcallā€ WI and MI? I donā€™t think the news orgs are touching them.

Yeah I think this is happening. Especially in California. Didnā€™t we see Devin Nunes and Darrell Issa almost losing last night?

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Court packing is unlikely, because weā€™re not going to have the margins to lose Feinstein and Manchin. Senate isnā€™t dead yet, I think Peters is going to win. So weā€™re at 48. Small but non-zero chances at ME and NC, maybe we can bink. Then the GA special elections, Iā€™m bearish but again weā€™re not drawing dead.

We donā€™t know whatā€™s outstanding in ME, if itā€™s mail-in that skews heavily our way we could win that. If not, we wonā€™t.

We could also try to put a GOP Senator or two from a blue governor state in the cabinet.

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Looks like Arizona is just about in Biden lock territory.


Itā€™s early still but the only positive here is we seem to have faded the GOP going full anti-democratic in order to hold power. Right now all we have is a single Trump tweet. They could still try to turn it into action, but the fact that counting is happening, states are updating, and as of now Biden is at 270 with all remaining uncounted votes expected to be in his camp, it looks OK.

If we had gotten the blue wave outcome we hoped for, I think the GOP tries to distance itself from Trump much like they did Bush in 08 and has a serious introspective look at itself. Instead we likely see the GOP trot out the same racist playbook in 22 and 24 under more favorable republican conditions, and I am legit really worried about what those election results will look like.

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I think he does that every night, and day.

Wonder why AZ hasnā€™t been called yet, it really seems like the margin is insurmountable there.

That leaves WI, MI, NV that we most likely need to run.

Should I be concerned that the margin in NV is like 7500 votes? I guess they are waiting to release the ā€œfinalā€ count tomorrow at noon? Are we just assuming that all late votes are gonna skew Biden so nothing to worry about? Seems super close, and havenā€™t really heard much and itā€™s sort of imperative.

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Isnā€™t his whole life just one unending temper tantrum?


ballots are accepted for another week in NV in the mail, I donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna call that for a bit.

Not saying you have all the answers, but what do we do exactly? The people in those areas are REALLY on board with the whole ā€œAmerican dream, maybe I can be a billionaire someday, and man I really wouldnt want my taxes to be highā€ bullshit that the reps feed directly into their brain daily. Whats the scissors to Fox news propgandaā€™s paper?