The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Think Arizona has some super deep red areas and it looks like some (not all ) of the outstanding vote will come from there and there’s still a lot outstanding

Yeah, I agree with this. But Trump is old and ill health. I think we’re done with him in power. And right now, int his moment, I’m taking that win. I’ll worry about the rest of it later. And honestly, for everyone’s mental health and well-being, I think you should try to see this as a win as well. Because it is.

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You serious? All the votes are gonna be counted and Biden will lead by more than 0.3 or w/e. It’s a clear call. They called those margins in 2016 iirc.

From afar much of ‘Democrat’ thought in the Trump years has seemed trying to shame people into voting against Trump. Usually based on policy areas we all know Americans don’t care about. Shaming is a terrible tactic to use on anyone for anything.


The Senate yes, and they also underestimated Ds. But overall they were reasonably close, not off by fucking 8 points in OH, just LoL.

he’s probably sleeping lol

lol no way this happens. Just lol lol lol. Best hope is that there is somehow an unexpected blue shift in 22 and we can pick up the needed senate seats there.

The Dems should pass the public option in the House 730 times between now and the midterms. Once a day.


I was SUPER wrong, and feel bad about buying into the Vincememe.jpg hype.

I mean, they were good memes, just super wrong


postmarked by a certain date?


It’s what she’s doing within the party with her endorsements and fundraising. She’s going to have more people in her progressive group in January than she does now.

good idea to put some GOP senators in the cabinet, and then turn around and fire them immediately


no way any of them take that deal

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I hope you’re right. I see the news orgs being very very tentative. Is WI in recount territory? They’re gonna paint it blue on their maps with Biden winning by 19K votes? We’ll see.

Hitler in Downfall vibes guaranteed.

We also got skullfucked in ballot measures

OK, I need some cliffs, bros

Penn really seems like Trump has it locked. At least huge fave
WI, MI, and AZ seem like Biden lock
WTF is up with Nevada, is that really still a toss up.

Someone, please confirm or correct above.

Plus a complete hack in TX told the GOP to stuff it with the drive through voting thing. We’ve finally found a line: votes that are clearly legal and clearly cast (no hanging chad type stuff) will be counted. If they’re not clearly legal, they’ll go after them.

get fucked Doyle