The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I haven’t been watching any local coverage, but I remain quite confident that we took PA.


Who let him out of his cage?

Any word on ME-2? Anywhere you can see district vote tallies?

I’ve been at the vet with my dog the last hour and a half and I have been struggling to not break down crying. It’s truly amazing how much mental anguish Trump has caused millions of people.


Unfortunately that leaves us at 49-51 in the Senate. Better than 48-52, but not enough.

Most media outlets called it for Trump awhile ago.

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We have a shot to get GA and/or get Perdue under 50, but it’s going to be tough. If anyone has held onto a one time, it’s a good time to consider using it.

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Yeah, I’m taking miracle chance at 2x in Georgia runoff even at reduced odds for Warnock.

wait, the kids are leaving the church and the dems are losing votes to republicans because of it???

I’ve got to be in a simulation get me out

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Fuck Greer he voted for

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Trump’s never going away. He’s going to be hamming it up on Fox or starting his own station in January

Ok spot for 2022 though?

Obviously midterms are hard, but having divided government now might make it easier.

Or not please. They already think I bring all the trolls over there. If you want to go over there. If you want to go over there and make legit arguments that’s one thing. But please don’t just sign up and troll.

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Carville just said AK Senate still possible? Surely that’s just the syphillis.


and using “latinx” is not an outreach program either.


After last night? Yeah nobody has that shit left. It already hit so it’s definitely fucking burned. I don’t know how far you got into bargaining but I got pretty fucking far. My atheism slipped a little last night. As usual it slips right back on.

I know. Hopefully 2022 comes through. I do think the GOP will be hurt without Trump to drive turnout.

My new political strategy is just going to be calling everyone rapists and criminals.

Incredibly talented dude who is probably wasting his life solving world hunger instead of posting here.