The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Gotta be mathing it based on absentees left to count and an estimate of Biden/Trump share.

If we know what the Biden/Trump share has been thusfar county by county, then the math should be fairly straightforward. I’ve found overall PA absentee results (78% for Biden), but I tried looking at one specific county (York, for example) and couldn’t find their absentee vs. election day count split out. So I’m not sure how people doing the math account for potential uneven distribution of absentees remaining vs. already counted.

is it tho :thinking:


Spoiler: Apparently no polls are real.

Perdue currently has 50.4%.
Trump has 50.0%.

If Biden can get close to Trump, wouldn’t that mean that Perdue likely gets slightly under 50%?

I’ll say it again, but why in God’s name would Trump want to stop the counting in Arizona right now?

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More turning on fox news

Left the profile pic for that sweet jesus 2020 profile


So he can say he’s being consistent?

For the lawbros


I’m running on the fumes of victory!

Georgia looks insanely close. Could easily come down to 5k votes or less.

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Do the NY indictments against Trump have to wait until inauguration day?

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Murdoch’s shrewd enough to make sure he backs power.

He did the same in Britain in the 90s when his rags switched allegiance from the Tories to Blair’s Labour after sensing a mood swing in the country.

I’m just proud of Eric Trump for getting to be a big boy today.

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How soon is Trump on a plane to Russia?


I’m doing the math on this right now.

Edit: So, this is assuming the AP numbers are correct, and I’m not accounting for rounding which could make a difference. But if Perdue wins 42% of the remaining vote, that would get him a final percentage on my spreadsheet of exactly 49.9997% LOL.

So ~42% of remainder is the breakeven for Perdue to avoid the runoff. I think Ossoff makes it.


You mean the LIBERAL HOAX?

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Seems like a good sign.


We have a shot but that false tweet about having 40K ballots to cure was a pretty big part of being favored there. We’re dogs but not dead.

If you’re going to post an official call ITT you’re already too late so don’t