The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


Their Canadian whiskey is one of the best values in spirits. Gin is pretty good, anejo tequila pretty good. Silver tequila not very good.

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This is an important note. First term trump is going to look like jimmy carter vs 2nd term trump.


4 more years of Trump. Glorious. NATE SILVER!


Lack-I-wanna jump off a cliff?


OH and PA seem better than coinflips. WI/MI who knows

Gonna be funny when we flip MT and the Senate race and lose by 100

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Trump can claim the gap increased 50% from 2016.

Heā€™ll be right b/c heā€™ll prob lose by 4.5 million votes compared to 3 million, but still win the EC.

Gonna lose Nevada and that will cost us the election. Calling it now.

At least COVID is an excuse for me to not go out for the next year.

Somehow, America is voting to want these things.

The sad thing is he wil have a huge celebratory parade that will draw one million aholes.

Holy shit, stop with this. The expectation was that Trump would be up 16 points tonight in PA in the event of an eventual Biden win there because of the absentee split.

Milwaukee county wonā€™t be fully reported until 5am they are saying on msnbc. Ugh.

I blame @RiskyFlush

This guy is just a MAGA dude. He has no actual expertise. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that tweet contains fabrications. I think probably weā€™re fucked, I just donā€™t want to see his garbage.


Gonna lose NV and it wouldnā€™t matter

Trump is performing better than in 2016 in like every county in WI with high % reporting right now. Heā€™s going to win this on election night.