2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Ok but it’s a good thing you’re not counting votes.


I think I thought our worst case scenario at any point on election night was this:

You are a kind and benevolent ruler.


Btw the only way to actually “steal” a statewide election is to shift the vote a little bit in every single precinct. Anything else is too easy to catch with simple data analysis. This is what is being alleged with the Dominion crap but the GA audit proved it wasn’t true.


It’s what I’ve always been worried about in GA/FL/OH, I wonder if the latter two still have no paper audit trail?

I never worried about WI, but the margin there did admittedly end up closer than I expected.

I think perhaps the key to our calmness was that we both took gameday naps.

You did have your moments of doubt.

But as others melted down, you were firmly on team We Got This

I award you eternal Unstuck Bragging Rights over 99% of the forum, and may God have mercy on their souls.




I use my dictatorial power to give everyone free healthcare, free the kids in cages, and throw Donald Trump in jail. With that accomplished, I resign and name @GrittyNHL our new kind and benevolent ruler.


You may be on to something on the nap front. I lost out on so much betting market $$$ on election night. Getting day drunk and despairing over CNN exit polls at 5pm and then blacking out was a bad choice.


I will never bet on politics. I get way too emotionally involved, and my latent optimism about humans kicks in too much. I’d have bet on HRC and Biden out-performing the polls.

Same reason I never bet on the Chiefs over a token amount. My first post on a now-defunct chiefs message board was how I really thought Damon Huard was going to do it for us.

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That map is easily within stealing distance. Just concentrate on not certifying AZ and then fight it out in the House, easy peasy.

Lol, the poles were fucking awful. I was legit furious. We were still winning but we were well into one of the tails of the 538 model.

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I accept your nomination.

Give me the keys to Trump’s cell, a hockey stick, and turn off the security cameras. Once I’m done, we’ll all live peacefully ever after.





Man I wish I could be there when somebody tells Trump that Wayne County just unanimously certified.

He’ll probably tweet that the brave Republicans on the board were threatened by Antifa thugs and had no choice but to back down from the TRUTH!


I went to bed that night legit furious that we weren’t going to take the senate. Never really even doubted Biden was winning tbh though when AZ was called it shored up anything lingering

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Yeah I got no sleep the night before and took a four hour nap, woke up, ignored the exit polling (they’re basically always wrong), and was busy doing stuff to get ready for my election night festivities. Linking my drinking to states being called proved quite profitable lol… I was sober and ready to pounce!

I never bet on the Eagles. With politics there’s so much data that it’s easier to detach emotion.

I’ll stick to stonks where I seem to have a knack for riding just out in front of the wave of stupid.

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