The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Futures dumping, this is 2016

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NOV. 3, 7:47 PM

In four Indiana counties that the NYT says are more than 98 percent reported — Wabash, Cass, Martin and Wells — Trump is winning, but by considerably smaller margins than in 2016. So it’s hard to tell if any polling overperformance in Florida would translate to the Midwest.

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So confirms that there is massive turnout from shitbags for Trump which is super bad news overall.

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Is it lawnmower orbit time?


Please forgive me for believing the god damned polls, yet again. I guess that magaturds are right and lol us.


hold me nate silver, hold me


I didn’t expect that Trump would get like 200k more votes in Miami-Dade than he did in 2016. What the actual fuck. If that is possible, anything is.

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Biden on the board with 3 from Vermont!

Those Delaware County numbers are really good out of Ohio


2p2 is saying Miami Dade is only early in person, not even in person today or mail?

When Hispanic people vote for Trump, they’re telling the world that they’d rather be homeless in Mexico than live in America.

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What are Biden’s odds in Ohio?

Multiple times in the past few days people noted Biden was not going to win by 20 million votes.

That means trump was going to see an increase.

Moscow Mitch is the least popular senator in the USA. Trump is massively popular in KY. Moscow is only running 3 points behind Trump.

Well fucking done even with all the money. What a pathetic campaign, and candidate.

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Ohio #s looking amazing. Chill people.


Shockingly good Ohio data, Biden has a real shot.


While McConnell is unpopular in the USA as a whole, is he that unpopular in KY?

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I’m pretty sure I was far more fucked up by 8pm 4 years ago than I am atm, so we’re super live folks!

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Would be the irony of all ironies if Trump binks FLorida but Biden binks Ohio and we still have a winner tonight. Still fuck florida.

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