The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

30 seconds later. Perfect!


Dude you are fucking delusional if you donā€™t realize what is really happening.

Not only do I do more leg work than you, I drink more before wishing Iā€™d have not posted those posts.


Some of it is lighting, some the heavy pour of anejo tequila

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Lol Biden might win by 6 million votes after west coast and still get slaughtered.

Also at least we can lock in an additional million Covid deaths.



i want to get into some aged tequila. any good starter recommendations?

If/when Trump wins, how much do you think heā€™ll inflate his EC win this time?

Ours is Costco brand. Not elite, but cheap and good.

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My dashboard almost made me cry.

AZ looks good I think, Biden waffle crushing my county 64% to 36%


Can somebody translate this from Geek to English?

Biden currently leading in Montanaā€¦ A state that basically did all vote by mail.

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Not to mention he will be a lame duck and emboldened to do any crazy thing he wants.

Iā€™ve never had anything bad from Kirkland. Next time weā€™re there Iā€™ll check it out.

oh god those grifters are going to make like ten million dollars each in the next four years

Donā€™t forget the Covid deaths, the right wing militia assaults, the racism and the police murders!


Seeing Corduroy is the first thing that made me smile tonight. Thank you for that :heart:.

God, Arizona is irrelevant. The entire Midwest is turning red.

Kirkland TP sucks, but other than that, yeah.

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Can someone explain to me why Hispanics are deathly afraid of sOcIaLiSm but loved Bernie?

I canā€™t make any sense of any of this.