Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

Categories here

Ok fuck it. I’ll post the categories. BUT DON’T SEND PMS TO ME until we have a randomizer. I don’t want to know who you are. I’ll just delete any w/o looking at them if I see it.

As far as what I like - like I said, I’m pretty all over the map as long as it moves my butt around in my chair. To throw out some examples - NWA, Buena Vista Social Club, Linda Ronstadt, dinosaur rock, late 60s/early 70s soul, Yacht Rock, Billy Idol, classical, Mother Love Bone, Juice Newton, Silversun Pickups, Drive By Truckers, EDM - progressive/trance/chill but open to others - bonus for ethereal trance diva. Pretty much everything except bluegrass and young country is in play. And I’m open to Bluegrass.

On a more abstract level I like songs and artists that are earnest, and take themselves seriously. Think Interpol over Blink 182. I hate hate hate post-ironic peppy.

Steven Malkmus is the opposite of what I like. I respect him and Pavement, I just don’t like to listen to most of their songs. It’s like scotch - I respect it, but I don’t like to drink it. But the genre of whiny mealy-mouth bedwetter post-ironic crap bands Pavement inspired are the WOAT. Even worse than the previous generations of bedwetter bands the Cure and Smiths (whom I both love) inspired.

Unique songs I haven’t heard are great. But I don’t want to offer bonus pts for them because I don’t want players reaching for a bunch of random oddball crap. The song should be the strongest for the category, regardless of airplay.

Unless otherwise noted, all songs will be rated 1/2 category fit and 1/2 how much I like it - aka butt moving. Scoring will be as normal with each category ranked and given a point total for each player. As always - any appearance of Captain Beefheart will result in automatic last place for that category, and may god have mercy on your soul.

#1 - Fruitrock
This can be any song that has fruit in the name, is about fruit, or the band has fruit in the name. However I should warn you - the millions of peaches song will get 10 for category fit, but about 3.5 on likability. There’s your GTO play.

#2 - Good song by a band/artist that kinda sucks
Category fit on this one will be how much I think they actually suck. The gold standard on this for me is Coldplay - Talk. Love the song, hate the band.

#3 - Jalfrezi Thinks - pick a song that I like and Jalfrezi hates
@Jalfrezi and I have worked this out. The scoring will be the difference between the rankings of how much I like the song vs. how much he hates it - both on a scale of 1-100, No category fit on this one.

So if I give a song a 90 and Jalfrezi gives it a 25 - you get 65 points. If jalfrezi scores a song higher than I do, you get a negative score. All scores will feed into the standard ranking procedure for the category. Ties will be broken by the songs jalfrezi hates more. If still tied I will pick the winner after I consult the Oracle at Delphi.

For those not familiar with walrus - jalfrezi tends toward Captain Beefheart and other musical hipster stuff that I freely admit is deeper and has more staying power than the crap I like. Oh yeah - Sting is off limits as many know jalfrezi’s stance on that artist.

#4 - Departure from a band/artist’s normal style
I think this one mostly speaks for itself. Category fit will be how much I think it departs. The rest will be my butt moving around in the chair. Smart play with me might be to pick a band that has one super-rocking song. Or that might backfire.

#5 - Song in a language that is primarily not English or Spanish
I want a fun song that will make me want to boogie or cry even though I have no idea what the lyrics are saying. The more exotic the language, the higher the category fit. And no angle shooting with instrumental songs. Must have singing. A few English or Spanish words scattered in will not ding the category fit.

#6 - Song that will make me cry or give me goosebumps
I like sentimental drippy like Ooh Ooh Child (things are gonna get easier), or just sad sounding music I don’t understand - like Chan Chan on Buena Vista Social Club. Could be a very sad opera piece. Easter Egg: I have one song in mind that does both - it’s from my youth and involves a barnyard animal.

#7 - Anthem that rocks your dick in the dirt
What is an anthem? It can start slow, or it can start fast, but at some point it better grab me by the balls and not let go. The cheesier and blowsier the better. Since I already mentioned them, Mother Love Bone - Chloe Dancer (aka Crown of Thorns) is the gold standard here. Can be any genre from 70s to now (maybe 60s but i can’t think of any offhand).

Pro tip: anthems tend to be in the 5+ minute range. They generally have some kind of important message to convey, which they emphasize through grindy face-melting instrumentals. It’s like that one song by a band that might not have been their biggest hit, but gets the biggest play on K-ROCK, on jukeboxes, and in your loser stoner brother’s black-light-illuminated bedroom.


All right let’s do this thing. I’m grumpy because my shitty DVR flaked out decided to delete all the things including the Olympics I wanted to watch in the background. So probably a good frame of mind for the ChrisV Memorial Imodium presentation.

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I am at the airport and I board in 75 minutes.

You should @ everyone again.

I am about to take off. I have went from being delayed 8 hours and spending it all in PHL to now only 4 hours off thanks to a delightful lady in the Admirals Club finding us the only 2 seats on an earlier flight back. I’ll be excited to read the last place when I land.


My next song actually got bonus points for mentioning two fruits in the title. But it still didn’t help.

Standing proudly atop the ChrisV Memorial Imodium, from their aforementioned breakthrough album, Songs for Syphilitic Clowns, congratulations

Art Ensemble of Chicago - Strawberry Mango

Let’s just channel my real-time brainstream while listening: “Art ensemble - not starting off well at all. Very Captain Beefheart-y. Must… Not… Skip… Ahead… Promised… Would… Listen… All… The… Way… Through… GAHHHH Like who is this supposed to appeal to - stoned clowns? Ok I like the space age sounds that pop in every now and then. Not sure if those were intentional or if someone in the room just picked up a weird instrument and was like “Duh, what does this do? … Oh, cool!” Either that or there was some construction work going on outside they just decided to keep in the song. Even the harmonica, which almost always works for me, sounds like someone’s blowing into the wrong end. If these guys were buskers I think they’d make a ton out of pity. It’s like Too Many Zoos on Robitussin.”

I did listen to this three times, including my home stereo and a pretty decent set of fancy corded earbuds I found that if you listen with your fingers over your ears creates a pretty good sound (LawnmowerMan just had a stroke). I think I get what they’re doing with this. But it’s just so slow. I guess it could work as a Mardi Gras-style funeral parade-thing–assuming you need a pace a bunch of 90-year-olds could keep up with.

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I mean, no it’s not remotely like Beefheart. It’s tepid jazzy reggae. wtf

I thought it was sort of easy listening. Still, I’m glad to have called my shot so successfully.

What am I supposed to be doing here?


So any song that has a discernible style can’t be Captain Beefheart. Got it.

Talking trash.

I feel like I may have morphed you and jelfrezi’s listening tastes in my mind. We’ll find out as this goes along.

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lol this is really going to pull the forum together.

If you imagine a fairly standard piece of music (eg the last track) as analogous to a fairly standard still life painting.
Beefheart is to the first as Cubism is to the second.

Dude - it’s warlus. There’s supposed to be trash-talking. I always talk shit about Beefheart. You’re not even in this part. Just try to enjoy the ride.

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I saw those guys (or those that are left) a few years back, then at a random dinner party someone mentioned that they were there as well. Nice, I thought, someone who might have a decent conversation in them! They they preceded to go on at length about how much they hated it and I kept my mouth shut.

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So they did turn out to have a decent conversation in them after all.

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Moving on. Taking silver in the ChrisV Memorial Imodium, my next song sounds like a mashup of Phish - Bounce Around the Room (which I like) and Kansas - Point of No Return (not my favorite) sung by a Yes cover band (can’t stand Yes).

Sara Loves Her Juicy Fruit - Albert Natural

This one started ok, then went into the bwana na na na na bwana na na na, which was iffy, but then completely lost me on the Wanna Wanna Wanna Wannow stuff. Then when the lyrics started up again it felt like that Pavement thing where we’re going to subject you to something that sounds tonally subjectively awful - just so you can rock along and show your music hipster cred. You can tell I have a problem with Pavement.

Then they went into the standard Phish/Dead instrumental jam, which was perfectly pleasant. I was hoping they’d just keep jamming this song out without singing about Sara or doing the wanna wanna thing again. It almost seemed like they were. But they just couldn’t resist themselves. Might have saved themselves a couple places if they just jammed out.

Edit: Shame on me for spelling Kansas - Point of Know Return wrong. Clever spelling. Makes you think.

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Please include numerical rank in your posts.