Summer LC thread

I’m willing to support the government of Iran in opposition to the government of Saudi Arabia.

I’m scrolling back and here’s any tweet/retweet about Islam:

(ok so fuck this one because he’s focusing on Omar - again not saying I agree with him on most things)

And then he gets in a tizzy about Andy Ngo - which just shows how much of a douche he is:

Of course nothing about all the killings - but punch one proud boys mouthpiece and it’s full meltdown.

Anyway my point wasn’t to say Harris is awesome in any way. But he does seem to be one of the only consistent voices that doesn’t just gloss over the deep fundamental problems in Islamist countries.


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Who the hell is attacking Loujain al-Hathloul? Are there really “liberals” attacking her?

Karen would like to talk to the manager. This tour is not what she expected.


Sorry not up for going down a KeeedHole today.

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“We came to get this history of a southern plantation and get a tour of the house and grounds but our radical tour guide kept going on and on about the history of the house and grounds”

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Cool, just go down the Jbro hole where he asked you to show some examples of “examples of lefties excoriating Islamic reformers as stooges of the right”

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Apparently Discourse doesn’t let us do different text colors, so use your imagination…

We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.
We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.
We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.
We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.
We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.
We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.

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Can you imagine a visit to Auschwitz review:

My husband and I were extremely disappointed with the tour. We didn’t come here to hear a lecture on how Germans treated Jews…


You know I’m not the only one with the magical ability to go to Harris’ twitter feed and scroll down, right?

I’m sure these don’t count because reasons. NO MORE KEEDHOLE!!!

[color=“red”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“orange”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“yellow”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“green”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“blue”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“indigo”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]

[color=“violet”]We didn’t come to hear a lecture on how the white people treated slaves, we came to get this history of a southern plantation.[/color]


Oh, awesome!

Is there a way to get more icons and select it with the mouse or did you do the mark-up by hand? (I’m guessing by hand because you chose the rainbow so precisely)

Yeah, it was by hand, I thought there was a color option somewhere but it looks like sizes and colors have to be manually tagged.

Oh fuck, no rainbow text?!? This place is literally unusable.

Edit: haha, should have kept scrolling down

Need an Intellectual Dork Web thread.

Not that I can tell.

I’m listening to Band of Brothers now. Apparently there was a big concern that if the German populace didn’t taste what the French populace went through - before and after D-Day - they’d just be hungry for war again in a few years.

I wonder if it’s the same way with right-wingers. Do we have to go through a Trump second term and ripping the country apart before they let go of their bloodlust?

Most of the German people were solidly against war right before WWII. Hitler’s propaganda about how he didn’t want war with Europe was largely for internal consumption.