Summer LC thread

Tommy Lee and Soledad O’Brien leading the resistance in style.


Tommy Lee = Sulla

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Heh I was just reading about Petrarch on Wikipedia when I saw this, spooky

Personally, I’d like to see a dedicated thread with another Goofybot auto-posting whatever the Unstuck Twitterers twitter


Can’t believe people seriously listen to idiots like Sam Harris.

So the top story on right now is outrage over The Hunt, a movie supposedly about hunting “deplorables” for sport. But I watched the trailer and it sure seems like the people being hunted are the heroes and the liberal “elites” doing the hunting get what’s coming to them. Seems more like deplorable fantasy fiction then something to get mad about. :man_shrugging:


I’m much more interested in that executive order they’re talking about in the bottom right
White House drafting executive order to tackle Silicon Valley’s alleged anti-conservative bias

vox dot com continues to fearlessly focus on the financial hardships that Americans are facing. This week: how inheriting intergenerational wealth takes its toll on one brave soul.


ThisIsFine.waaf I mean .gif

I have to give them some credit, using an EO is a great way around the first 5 words of the First Amendment.

You wouldn’t know that the guy had been in and out of prison for a good lot of his life based on that quote.

Harris and Jordan Peterson are among the most insidious of the IDW. A guy like Ben Shapiro puts his bullshit up front and doesn’t even bother trying to hide how much of an idiot he is. However, Sam and Jordan will have opinions that at first seem to make sense. I even agree with Sam on a few things. It’s enough to gain legitimacy in the eyes of surface-level thinkers. Once they get that, then they drop the crazy on them. By then, those people have bought into them as legit intellectuals and automatically respect their opinions regardless of what they are.

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The biggest thing I agree with Harris on is that we need to support the reformers within Islam - even if that means risking giving some ammunition to racist assholes. To me it’s crucially important for the advancement of the world that Islam grow out of this idea of an Islamic state (basically where Catholicism was 500 years ago). Key Mullahs need to publicly back off apostasy and blasphemy as capital crimes. Remove that and things start to change. The West needs to put constany pressure on them to do so imo.

Other than that I don’t agree with Harris about much.


OK but to what degree is Islamic fundamentalism is a backlash to Western meddling in general and American meddling in particular? How would Iran look today if the US and Britain had just minded it’s own business and not tried to overthrow the elected government? What would Afghanistan look like if it hadn’t been ravaged by forty years of war? I’ll bet if California was subjected to forty years of war there’d be Christian fundamentalists with bin Laden beards all through the hills fighting and preaching fundamentalist Christian theology.

So maybe we should lay off trying to socially engineer other societies and focus on our own substantial problems first.


I’m not saying the govt should socially engineer - I’m just saying the left shouldn’t trash, and should actually support, the reformers who come out against Islamic fundamentalism. Harris tweets plenty of examples of lefties excoriating Islamic reformers as stooges of the right or something.

I have this idea for a movie called Thoughts and Prayers. A man whose family is killed by a mass shooter goes on a Falling Down-style rampage against those he blames, starting with the shop that sold the gun, then the local NRA chapter, and eventually the local senator who opposes gun control. Initially grieving and depressed, he is set off by witnessing a casual act of racism by a white nationalist and he also targets people with similar beliefs.

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I’m sure as fuck not lookng into whatever a Harris tweet is, so could you provide a couple of examples?

But that isn’t an important issue. Reformers in Saudi Arabia will not be successful because of applause from the American left. And they won’t fail because some lefty on Twitter scolds them. They will succeed because they build a powerful movement in their own country, of their own fellow citizens. And of course the most consequential action Americans could take to help reform in Saudi Arabia is to get their own government to stop actively supporting the government of Saudi Arabia.

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Ok then let’s do that. (throws chair)