Summer LC thread


I read it. It was pretty good. Probably didn’t need that many words to say it, but I think the basic parallel between the collapse of the Roman Republic and the problems in the US is obvious - that is, a crisis of legitimacy in the system.

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Yeah, we live in the flight path of those fuckers, but outside the “65 decibel zone” on the map that they did a noise study on.

Still not excited to have them come here. The jets they have now are loud enough when they fly over.

If anyone wants to see any specific content from the site posted on the twitters just @ me and I’ll get it on there.

i like the idea of posting good forum posts on the twitter

This is the historical equivalent of a tarot-card reader saying that you’ll meet an interesting stranger who may embody a turning point–it sounds meaningful but is so vague it could mean anything. The fall of every government is a crisis of legitimacy in the system. That’s what it means for a government to fall–it ceases being the legitimate ruler of the state. I would argue that the fall of the Republic was actually less about legitimacy than most revolutions. The Republic was really overturned with a series of military coups. The government as such was legitimate, it just lacked the ability to control the guys with swords. Indeed, throughout the early empire the emperors maintained the forms of republican government specifically because they had more legitimacy than a military dictatorship.


Well that rules me out!

There will be no lewd or vulgar movements!

I agree to an extent, but adding that a government that lacks the ability to control the guys with swords is not much of a government, whether it is “legitimate” or not, that was the crisis of the Republic in a nutshell.

I’ve been told this is your first post, and I want to welcome you to our community


Redacted for privacy.

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So older brother got a full ride to Tulane. And yeah he was serious about his studies, while also knowing a good time when he sees one. So yeah haven’t been to New Orleans since playing Roller Coaster Tycoon in my brothers frat house, and thinking I was having the time of my life.

20 year old hot take Breakfast at Brennans is criminally overrated.

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I saw Danny Trejo was trending and I was worried he had died or something, but no, it’s because he rescued a child from an overturned car like a boss.


A quote from a CNN article on this.

“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else,” Trejo said “Everything.”

:heart: Danny


Brennan’s isn’t the same place as 20 years ago. New owner from the family dumped like 25m into renovating and upgrading. Really good.

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I thought y’all we taking about that place where George Costanza took a shit while reading a book and was forced to buy the book. Wrong that’s Brentano’s

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And part of what the Optimates were fighting for was the continuation of the status quo and patrician privilege. And, uh, also opposed the granting of citizenship for folks from shithole tribes like the Etruscans and Samnites. So under this framework Trump=Cato?

Hmmm, perhaps Cicero fits Trump better here – the gauche new money who is not and never can be a true patrician, but nonetheless is a staunch ally of the wealthy and privileged. But is never truly accepted as a patrician.

this is praxis