Summer LC thread

Two people have been killed and radiation levels reportedly spiked after a rocket engine exploded during a test in northern Russia, prompting authorities to close a portion of the White Sea to civilian ships for a month.

The reports of a sudden rise in radiation levels in the nearby city of Severodvinsk after the explosion contradicted official statements by Russia’s defence ministry that all radiation levels in the area remained stable. The surge in radiation levels lasted less than one hour, local officials said.

Haha I actually thought “that would never be upheld in the courts” then reality came back to me.

Trump does draw a weird line where he is pro some businesses and death to others. Especially since the later are often some of the most successful going.

That’s because he’s a totalitarian not a capitalist. He was raised by an old school crony capitalist from the time before deregulation. Back when nationally organized crime was powerful enough to be the most likely suspect in the killing of a popular president.

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Interesting story.

The hand wringing of five hundred people being returned to prison is typical disingenuous rhetoric. The reality is most of the people in halfway houses could be released/paroled and those that can’t should probably not be in one in the first place but in prison.

I am not arguing to end halfway houses as an option, at least not presently. I am just saying the huge concern those opposed to this move have is easily solved and it does not require 500 people to go back to prison.

Touting their Italian and German heritage instead of being American slave owners is at least bemusing.

For god’s sake - stay hydrated people!

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brb, gonna go to Predictit and go all in on Marianne Williamson before the energy alignment hits us.

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I have candles - phew.

… bloody hippies - mostly harmless but not moving us forward much either.

I don’t have candles. I refer to myself as a hippie sometimes, but want to make it clear I’m not the least bit new-agey. I just don’t like war.

I see them as being less likely to be hippies and more likely to be middle-aged, “spiritual” goddesses who also support our troops and can’t understand how someone could lose friends over one’s choice for president.

Neither, actually. AFAIK most Antarctica stations use the timezone of the nearest country, regardless of which country runs the station.

Edit: Time Zones in Antarctica

It would be a lot more fun to just have it change constantly depending on what part of the building you were in.

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Hahaha. “Wait, do you mean 9am meeting room time or laboratory time?” “No, I mean 9am kitchen time because that’s when I get my coffee.”


Also I love that there is an Antarctic research station literally called “Troll Station”

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“Race you to the meeting room”

(runs counter clockwise)

“Ha! It’s yesterday. I win!”

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Some of the quoted lines give you a sense of Berman’s talent. David Berman dead: remembering the Silver Jews singer-songwriter and poet’s best lyrics.

Saw Silver Jews at the Henry Fonda theater in like 2007. Good stuff.

American Water is one of the best albums of the last 20 (well, 21) years.

Smith and Jones Forever

Are you honest when no one’s looking?
Can you summon honey from a telephone?
They sat there with their hooks in the water
And their mustaches caked with airplane glue

O come let us adore them
California overboard
When the sun sets on the ghetto all the broken stuff gets cold

Smith and Jones forever!
Smith and Jones forever!
Smith and Jones forever, together forever and ever

Build a stage for Autumn’s bitch
They walk the alleys in duct tape shoes
They see the things they need through the windows of a hatchback
The alleys are the footnotes of the avenues

O come let us adore them
California overboard
Holding up their trousers with extension cords

Smith and Jones forever!
Smith and Jones forever!
Smith and Jones forever, together forever and ever

I’ve got two tickets to a midnight execution
We’ll hitchhike our way from Odessa to Houston
And when they turn on the chair
Something’s added to the air
When they turn on the chair
Something’s added to the air forever


Moments can be monuments to you
If your life is interesting and true
It’s just the same for a man or a girl
The meaning of the world lies outside the world

People love people and they understand
If you want to renovate your background mind
A federal woman needs a municipal man
People gotta synchronize to animal time

You can’t change the feeling but you can change your feeling about the feelings in a second or two
People always come around
I’m studying the ceiling on a little afternoon and when I paint my dining room
People gonna come around

I love to see a rainbow from a garden hose
Lit up like the blood of a centerfold
I love the city and the city rain
Suburban kids with Biblical names

People ask people to watch their scotch
People send people up to the moon
When they return, well, there isn’t much
People be careful not to crest too soon

The drums march along at the clip of an IV drip
Like sparks from a muffler dragged down the strip
I really hope you’ll come around

It’s sunny and 75, it feels so good to be alive,
Come on, baby, don’t stay inside
Everybody’s coming out tonight

Deeper thinker and better writer than Dylan imo.

In my country there is a game that children play involving kicking a ball around. The teams that play this game just spent £1,388,758,500 on new players. That’s 1.3 billion pounds. Remember this isn’t for all the ball kicking players. Just the few that were transferred this season.


Does Euroland shovel free taxpayer cheese up the asses of the scumbag owners, or is that a uniquely USA #1 thing?

It’s really amazing that European soccer is capitalist as fuck, while the American sports are basically socialist.