SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

It’s an interesting question. I have 0 medical knowledge but I’d think the stress and lack of movement could affect things the other way - so that while we see fewer people with strep, we’ll also see other conditions increase like high blood pressure or whatever. It’ll be an interesting study when/if all this is over.

I’ve always had a garden, and I’ve already started planting seeds. I recommend it just because it gives me another thing to check on each day, nice to see the little seedlings popping out.


What has the US done right and wrong?

As the US becomes the global epicentre in the coronavirus battle, Americans are beginning to learn their nation’s strengths and weaknesses.

Here are a few things the US has done well, and others that it has bungled.

Testing - MISTAKE

The inability of the US government to ramp up testing quickly contributed to many subsequent failures. But most importantly, it failed to provide the “situational awareness” that is needed to combat a pandemic, says Jonathan Levi, a health policy professor at George Washington University.

Messaging - MISTAKE

Less than a week after predicting that the country could re-open by Easter, President Trump was warning Americans to prepare for over 100,000 deaths.

After comparing it to the seasonal flu, and predicting it would disappear on its own “like a miracle”, Mr Trump’s dire messaging was a real problem.

Research - SUCCESS

If the coronavirus is exposing some of the many flaws in the US healthcare system, it also could end up highlighting the strength of the nation’s drug research.

Pharmaceutical companies researching cures are receiving assurances from the government that there will be a market for their products and they will be adequately compensated for their investment, leading to a huge boost in treatment research

Read more here:

Coronavirus: Five things the US got wrong - and right

Just my opinion as I haven’t seen actual stats, but I think that is already happening. Hospital admissions for things not covid seem to be lower than usual. COPDers aren’t getting other viruses that send them into respiratory distress. Asthma exacerbations seem to be down considering allergy season is here. There are certainly less car crashes leading to hospitalizations. Maybe people with chronic medical conditions are also being more compliant with their medications to try to avoid going to what they see as a war zone? The hospital is certainly less comfortable than it used to be. No flowers, no visitors, very little attention from staff as we are so busy with critical patients.

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Yes should be a lot less Infectious disease.

Still lots of strokes, cancer, and heart attacks that require hospitalization. I would guess that these far outnumber infectious disease as far as hospitalization rate, especially on the downside of flu season.

OTOH Car accidents, workplace injuries and recreational injuries should be way down.

This is not “a success” lmfao.


Sure for corpses. We know those are coming no matter what.

I’m as anti-capitalist healthcare as anyone. But maybe one of the few areas I have some faith is if you dangle a huge profit carrot in front of drug companies they’ll come up with something a lot quicker than a purely government-run lab or something.

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These motherfuckers better be on the front lines volunteering in hospitals. So fucking irresponsible.

Agreed. Just the BBC trying to be balanced. Sure Trump creaming his pants about a US co. possibly finding the vaccine first though.

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I would offer Cuba’s meningitis vaccine as a counterpoint to that, but even granting your point, it makes no sense to count that as ‘a success’ until we have a finished, working product. Show me the money. Until then it’s “The good news is that the vampires who hold sick people to ransom have been assured that the taxpayer will bare their neck if they ever get in a position to bite” which I don’t count as ‘success’ on several metrics.


Only NY reporting yesterdays stats so far

Over 1 million cases worldwide. 51k deaths not great

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Any updates? Hoping for the best, obv.

My first thought was they will never get a permit.

Just self publicizing nonsense by those jokers.

Yep, was gonna post this.

Even if NYC cases peak and then deaths peak a week later there, we have dozens of NYC that are behind…I mean we are getting like 8 states a day already going up 30-40% in deaths daily.

We have 50 states, all in various stages of this, and in many of those states, multiple areas of outbreak in various stages of this.

Plus there are follow on waves, etc.

I know people went to be optimistic, but this has a long way to go and 1M people to kill before it’s over.


All these morgues on wheels are going to really cramp the ability of retailers to replenish perishable goods.

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Can not wait for the derps to learn about this and start using it as proof that NOBODY knew asymptomatic people could spread the virus.

NFL and college football aren’t happening this year, either.

Yea I think the earliest sports we see is NFL in 2021. And even that might be in doubt.

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