SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

UCF’s athletic director wants the season to be played in it’s entirety next spring but he also claims UCF won a natty in 2017 so take that fwiw


I went to pick up my order at the grocery. Holy shit! The parking lot is filled up and half the people exiting the store aren’t holding anything. The other 25% are coming out with only a few items.

These people are literally going into the store without masks just to look for out of stock items like toilet paper or hand sanitizer. Completely fucking idiotic.

Where are you Sean?

Anywhere USA


Has Boortz always been a deplorable? My mom and stepdads are liberals and always have been but I remember he listened to Neil in the car during the 90s every day. If Neil was always a deplorable I’m not sure why he listened to him.

I heard a Fauci soundbite today, not sure how old it is, but basically he was saying scientists are mystified by the Gus Hansen-like range of the coronavirus. Like maybe you’ll have no symptoms or mild symptoms, or you might soon be dead or somewhere in between. And Fauci said it’s not all because of age and pre-existing conditions etc. There’s some other element that they don’t understand which is leading to the insanely wide range of outcomes.

Can’t wait to see how big the 100k circle is for NY

Hopefully it has to do with the amount of exposure. And then we can all get dosed with a little bit and get this thing over with. (No I don’t actually think this is it, but would be nice.)

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He’s always claimed to be non-partisan but in every single broadcast I’ve heard by him he is indistinguishable from Rush Limbaugh.

He also literally wrote the book on the Fair Tax.


Before I understood who he was, I listened to him a bit in the car in my early days in Atlanta (along with Clark Howard). I thought he was interesting and don’t think he was so far gone deplorable at the time (circa 2000). It didn’t take long for me to realize how shitty he was, though, so I stopped listening.

Georgia up to 5,348 confirmed cases. That only ranks 11th in the U.S., but the state is 7th in deaths!

Pretty sure the ones before Kemp was informed don’t count


I assume someone is running endless linear regressions against all data they can find to look for correlations.

Most cures come from universities and then the research is purchased by the drug companies later on for peanuts

Allowing homeopathic vendor is taking away access from medicine as people who buy that shit are buying it instead of medicine.

Would you allow someone to sell bottled air? If not, why allow them to sell homeopathic medicine?


lol. We’ve been converting every space imaginable into ICU beds. We had a change order come across and one of the Ops guys pushed back asking why we’re labeling room beds as in the physical Operating Room, shouldn’t they be in the post operating room space? Someone replied back that no, they’re physically in the OR space, but they’re ICU beds. We’re basically converting most of our operating rooms to ICU rooms.

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Where are you again?



The small farmers market I frequent near work shut down today so I’m fucked for boiled peanuts now


Ohio extending the lockdown to May 1, looks like I’m gonna have to go on leave without pay for a while: