SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

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  • From China
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Can we just erect a WALL around the national mall. Maybe film them as they all get CV. A real life hunger games, so to speak.

Let’s see if they get 70. Also doesn’t DC have to give them a permit?


I think hospitalizations/deaths are a much better trend indicator than tests/positives. We are almost certainly significantly under-counting cases still.

Just from personal experience, I think I may have had this thing a couple of weeks ago - had a few days of mild symptoms, never went and got tested.

I think the wife definitely has it. Started feeling run down 8 days ago, and 4 days ago mild/moderate discomfort breathing - a symptom she’s never had - started. It is usually better in the morning after a night’s sleep, and gets worse at night. No other symptoms - no fever, no cough, no body aches. We’ve basically assumed that going to a hospital or trying to get tested is worthless because she doesn’t need a ventilator and would just be sent home to rest.

We did try 2 different virtual doc consults. One through Cigna, and one through NY Presbyterian. Neither would connect due to technical difficulties. USA#1 healthcare.


I feel like Cuomo would be sounding the alarm a lot louder in his pressers if that was the case. Same for the media. It’s New York City. They live there.

Now an “urban” hospital in Atlanta or NO - that I could see being largely ignored even when sounding the alarm - and after.

Same boat here. Daily as of late, it’s been around 5% give or take a bit.

But it’s definitely not maximum test capacity. It’s that the requirements to get a test are way too strict. American hospitals can definitely give more tests but opt not to. Tons of people who have it are being turned away.

Pretty sure all of their recent events have attracted more press than supporters. So once you take away the press there is no need for social distancing as it will likely be just the two of them and whoever else they pay to show up.

I’d bet it’s basically a stunt to get DC to force them to cancel and they can claim that they would have had thousands show up if not for DC. Even if DC doesn’t force them to cancel, I’m sure they will claim they were forced to so they can claim as many hypothetical supporters as they want.




Yeah, I sure as fuck wouldn’t go to a hospital to get tested. One of the medical guys ITT can correct me here, but I don’t think the actual treatment they’re going to give you is going to be any different if they think you’ve got COVID-19 vs the regular flu.

Right now the value from testing is more for tracking the spread of the disease than for helping patients.



A pretty rosy outlook on how people could be back to work in a few months - which seems to assume widespread antibody testing in 4 weeks. We’ll see.

GJGE London

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There’s a several day wait for results for outpatient tests in Washington. Inpatient testing is turned around in a day or less. I assume the wait time is due to testing capacity of the labs. I think labcorp is doing our outpatient tests and UW is doing the majority of our inpatient testing. I have no idea at why the wait is so much longer for outpatient testing. I’ve heard that at various points different parts of the testing chain have had supply deficits, lack of swabs, lack of storage medium, lack of test reagents have all happened at one point or another.

Washington seems to have their shit more in order than most places, so I imagine most everywhere else is fucked. Well except the inability to tally statewide results in the state website.

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UK has 30,000+ cases throughout the 4 countries. NYC alone has 92,000 cases. US has 160,000 tests in backlog with 220,000 cases ‘to date’ i.e. 4 days ago. Nearly 50% of those US tested are postive but may be the climate or density will save you from London like numbers.

It would appear the US is days ahead of the UK (days since first death) but don’t even have a handle on how many infected are out there yet. The London school that did the stats for the WH now have US tracking identically to Italy 3 weeks ago

GL All

So, let’s say that we all exercise perfect social distancing, and keep ourselves on lockdown for the next month or two or whatever. If we presume that this will have a positive effect on the spread of COVID-19 (it will), will it not also have an even more positive effect on other serious, but less transmissible, communicable diseases?

If I’m staying inside so the coronavirus can’t get in, isn’t that also true for flu, strep throat, etc.? Shouldn’t everyone just end up staying perfectly well and this will also have a huge impact on overall public health?


My brother was on a conference call with others in NYC this morning. They were talking about the need/lack of refrigerated trucks and body bags.

I ventured off my property for the first time in 3 weeks today to go to the grocery store and pharmacy. Any hopes I had that people were doing the right things around here are completely dashed. Maybe 5% of people were wearing a mask or face covering. Some people had no issue coming up and reaching right around others - I had to tell one guy to fuck off after he did it twice to me. Not a single worker (including at the pharmacy) was wearing a mask of any kind. No hand sanitizer was available after using the credit card payment thing or at the pharmacy where you have to pick up the stylus and sign for the prescription. (I had my own small bottle with me.)

There was a cop stationed at the door of the grocery store twirling an N95 mask in his hand while shooting the shit with the store manager and another person all within 2 feet of each other.

Very glad I wore my respirator instead of just using a surgical mask like I had considered doing.

My basic takeaway is we are all fucked because we’re getting one big wave.

The first minister has revealed there has been another 40 deaths in Scotland due to COVID-19.

View the full article here.

The jump in coronavirus-related hospital deaths in the UK from 2,352 to 2,921 is an increase of 569 – the highest day-on-day rise since the outbreak began and up very slightly on yesterday’s rise of 563.

The total number of deaths is 24% higher than yesterday.

It took 19 days for the number of deaths in the UK to pass 300. It has taken further 10 days to reach just under 3,000.

For the first time, the number of new people tested per day in the UK for coronavirus has passed 10,000.

A further 10,215 new people were reported as being tested in the 24 hours to 9am April 2.

The total number of people in the UK tested since the outbreak began is now 163,194.

This is the equivalent of 245 people in every 100,000.

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK stands at 33,718, as of 9am on April 2.

A week ago, on March 26, the total was 11,658.

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Curious about this, too.