SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I guess the good news is that it’s starting to slow down in NYC.


The fact that half of the test are still coming back positive tells me that those numbers are motly meaningless. Seems more likely to be an effect of maximum testing capacity being reached and therefore linear instead of exponential growth of confirmed cases. Around here <5% of test are positive and even here I am sure they are not catching everyone who has it.


People providing food should be allowed imo. Food production and supply needs to continue. But it needs to be done is a way that minimizes risk. I don’t consider anything else essential.

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You can also watch NYC hospitalizations on this site.

And NY state hospitalized here:


The derposphere going hard in the paint on that January 7th tweet saying there was no human to human transmission.

You know how they learn one thing and all beat it into the ground? This is the current one. Only problem is the WHO tweet doesn’t say that. All it says is “China claims…” yet the same people who want us to buy this also have been telling us for a month China is a dirty liar.

They can’t do anything correctly. This is coming up a lot in response to the doctor on Fox who said everyone knew December 31st. Yet these people are all hanging their hat on a tweet that doesn’t even say what they purport it to say.



NYPD considering ‘Dead on Arrival’ police teams

Paramedics in New York City are being told to stop bringing to hospital any cardiac patients whose heart has stopped and who cannot be revived at the scene.

Under the previous guidance, victims of heart attacks or any other heart problems would be brought to intensive care units (ICU), which are now growing increasingly full of coronavirus patients.

“In the event a resuscitation is terminated, and the body is in public view, the body can be left in the custody of the NYPD,” reads the new policy, according to the internal guidance to ambulance workers that was obtained by US media.

The New York Police Department has discussed creating so-called DOA teams - (short for Dead on Arrival) - of detectives who would transport bodies of coronavirus victims to mobile morgues around the city.

Ed Mullins, the head of the city’s main police union, told the New York Post newspaper that the same kind of DOA teams were used after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

Because of Trump’s daily abortion of a press conference, one thing that seems to be flying under the radar is how uninspired and bland the pressers and communications from other world leaders have been. Historically in times of crisis political leaders would come up with some inspiring rhetoric to galvanize the nation. But the leader communications I’m seeing from ostensibly competent leaders are really bland presentations of numbers and trends, genuflecting about unprecedented challenges, and Q&A sessions with mealy mouthed risk avoiding half answers. They remind me so much of corporate analyst calls that publically traded companies have to do quarterly. It’s really evident how corporatized the concept of leadership has become. It’s all about messaging, spin, and avoiding responsibility.

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Looks like the number of tests has been mostly flat for a while, so I’m not so sure that’s what’s going on.

Those data actually seem a little more promising, but flattening of hospital admissions could just mean that only more and more severe cases are getting treated. A flattening of the numbers for people dying seems to be the most reliable indicator of the three, so let’s hope for NYC (and everywhere else, too).

Well I don’t think we’re near Italy-levels of turning people away yet.

Phew, I was afraid that those cardiac deaths might harsh our stats.


NYC seems pretty close to going full Italy and triaging patients, if they haven’t already.

Article makes a basic point. Hording might have been why toilet paper was flying off the shelves but also people who used to take dumps at work are now taking them at home and since residential toilet paper demand was pretty steady toilet paper companies didn’t easily adjust.

grim - and many more cities, US and other, and going to be in the same situation and are going to be making equally grim decisions.

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US Democrats postpone party convention

The US Democratic party has announced that it will push back its presidential convention - where the presidential candidate is selected - from July to August due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The week-long event is now due begin on 17 August in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

It comes after Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden said it was hard to imagine the party convention going ahead in mid-July as scheduled.

President Trump will once again be the Republican nominee for November’s election.

A shortened general election is probably good for the Dems? I’m okay with Joe just staying offline until it’s time to vote.