SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

The Olympia Farmers market has been open (limited) throughout this. You might check when them and see how they’re handling it:

Just amazes me how homeopathic medicine is in like every grocery store in America. How tf is that stuff so popular. Why is it even legal.


Interesting from Olympia:

Only “grocery-type” vendors are permitted to sell including the sale of food items, plant starts, fruit trees and flowers. Crafters are not allowed to sell at the Market at this time (except for the sale of soap).

So, while I was against allowing ornamentals that seems ok (the rationale was that these provide a habitat for pollinators).

We will have signs indicating customers should maintain this distance, along with a bunch of other precautions–it looks like most markets are taking similar actions, and we’re basically using the guidance supplied by advisory bodies.

The homeopathic vendor, I voted against allowing, but alas.


I think some farmers markets in LA are maintaining a perimeter and only allowing a certain number of people inside at a time, like many stores.

The weekly farmers market in my neighborhood in Berlin is still open. There are less vendors than before. I guess it is similarly safe to a grocery store. I never go to it, but my wife went last weekend to get us stuff. We just take the same precautions that we would with anything else we bring in from outside.

It’s already pretty bad here in Georgia, but I’m scared as to what is to come this month.

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Farmers market by me (NYC) has remained opened. A couple less vendors. Each vendor is roped off, such that shoppers can’t touch any product. You line up - 6 ft markers are chalked on the ground - and tell the merchant what you want when it’s your turn. They bag it for you.

Another thing that our local one does is to encourage pre-orders. Many of the vendors offer the pre-order service through their website, so that no physical payment needs to be exchanged. The market is also encouraging only one family member pick up the items.

Our local community farm cancelled all activities for the time being, but is having a seedling sale for pick in a couple of weeks. I’m not sure how they will handle the farm workload, as it is usually done with the help of many volunteers.

Posted unironically on 22 by a blithering idiot.


I wondered what’s been keeping their stock price so low. They’re usually a darling in times like this. I googled for a bit and couldn’t find one article complaining about their turnaround times. My friends who work for nursing homes said 7 days for Labcorp - but it could be getting longer. Only 2 days if you can get the state health dept. to test it.

I used to work for Quest and always thought they were a pretty well-run company. I wonder why they can’t get their act together on this.

Based on the first Trump/Pence Covid press conference we should be up to 3-4 million new tests being administered weekly now.

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grocery stores just need to go 100% pickup. i waited in my car and 75% of the people exiting had a single bag or nothing. these people are running around town “looking for hand sanitizer” or something stupid.

Also, is Hobby Lobby closed in Florida now or somehow exempt?

So many blithering idiots there having a hard time choosing just one.

The reality is they don’t have control of anything at the moment.

Hobby lobby illegal open across the country.

If you see a hobby lobby open report them to the authorities and God.


Grossly irresponsible.

Latest from NYS press conference

Date Total Cases Daily Tests New Cases
4/2/2020 92,381 18,031 8,669
4/1/2020 83,712 15,694 7,917
3/31/2020 75,795 18,645 9,298
3/30/2020 66,497 ~14,000 6,984
3/29/2020 59,513 16,390 7,195
3/28/2020 52,318 17,412 7,681
3/27/2020 44,635 16,272 7,377
3/26/2020 37,258 18,650 6,448
3/25/2020 30,811 12,137 5,146
3/24/2020 25,665 12,906 4,790
3/23/2020 20,875 16,739 5,707
3/22/2020 15,168 15,915 4,812
3/21/2020 10,356 12,979 3,254
3/20/2020 7,102 10,072 2,950
3/19/2020 4,152 7,584 1,770
3/18/2020 2,382 4,482 1,008
3/17/2020 1,374 ? 432

yeah fuck this guy … from 10ish days ago remember

I haven’t had time to read the models coming out. How are they defining peak? New daily cases < newly resolved cases (death + recovered)? Is it newly infected person will infect < 1 additional person? Something else?